Monday, December 31, 2007
36 Weeks Pregnant
I am now on the down hill slide of my pregnancy. I am officially 36 weeks pregnant. Because I have Gestational Diabetes the last three weeks I have had a non-stress test at my doctors visit. Last Friday the test showed I was having contractions already so I was admitted to the hospital to make sure baby was alright and that I wasn't going into active labor to early. Thank goodness everything seems to be going okay. On my non-stress test today I was still contracting but not as bad as on Friday. My doctor is hoping I make it to at least next week. This pregnancy has gone by really fast and I am getting very excited to meet Dru.
Happy New Year
I hope everyone is planning to have a fun and safe New Year's Eve. I don't think my family and I will do too much tonight. We may just stay in and watch a couple movies to bring in the new year. We have gotten a couple of invites to some friends homes but don't have a babysitter, so I think we will just stay in. I am excited to see what 2008 has to offer, it should be a pretty exciting year.
Low Rate Credit Card
In today’s world, how we look on paper seems to say a lot about what society thinks about us, that is why it is important to establish good credit. One way to do this is by taking out a Low Rate Credit Card. Using credit cards can be one way to achieve a good credit score and what better way than using a card with low interest. If your credit is not the best or you have no credit at all is the place you need to start to turn your credit around. They offer many different types of credit cards from reward cards to low interest and they have something for almost any credit rating. Check them out today to see what they have to offer you.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Merry Christmas
I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. I had a wonderful time with all my family. It was great to see everyone again. We still have one celebration to attend yet as the weather was bad so we needed to reschedule my grandmas Christmas. I only hope everyone had as good of a time with their families as my family did with ours.
Search Engine
There is now a new search engine where you can achieve the best results from Google, MSN, and Yahoo. They will have a new ranking system with toolbars for IE and Firefox. Not only will this search engine offer these features but also guarantees less spam. Visit to learn more features about this new search engine. 
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
34 Weeks Pregnant
I am now 34 weeks pregnant and am getting very excited for this baby to arrive. Yesterday my husband and I went to see my doctor and also to have an ultrasound and non-stress test done. My husband really wanted to know what the sex of the baby was, so I gave in and we are having a little girl. Dru Elisabeth will be her name. I still have about six weeks to go before she is due and she is already approximately 6lbs 9oz. If I go to full term she will be a really big baby. My doctor did say however I could be induced as early as 38 weeks but she would probably wait until closer to 39 weeks depending on how big she got.
Hotel Reservations
Traveling internationally can be an exciting way to take a family vaction. It's know easier then ever to make Hotel Reservations, even in places like Australia, Italy, Germany, and many other international countries. Another great aspect of this website is the competitive prices they offer and the discounted rates that are available. They also offer different packages which include vacation rentals, resorts, hotel and motel packages, along with group rates. Check them out today for all your travel needs.
Monday, December 10, 2007
33 Weeks Pregnant
Today I am officially 33 weeks pregnant. I just cannot believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. Soon Christmas will have come and gone, which means it certainly won't be long until our little baby arrives. As each week passes my family gets more excited. This baby will be welcomed by 1 brother and 2 sisters. My son is hoping for a brother to help even things out. Today I felt a lot of movement with the baby. I think that is the best part of being pregnant, feeling the precious bundle kicking up a storm.
Bad Credit Loans
In today’s world it is easy to financially get in over our heads. Credit Card Offers come every day in our mail. It seems all we have to do is fill out the application and suddenly we are approved. Before we know it we may have taken out to many credit cards and so far in debt with credit cards that there seems to be no way out. There is a company out there now who can help with poor credit by offering Loans to people who may have bad credit. They do this so anyone who is in need of help and who wants to turn their credit around to be good credit again can do so. They also offer Personal Loans to help consumers out with many different financial needs. Check their website out today to see what they can offer you.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Christmas Tree
Today I put up the Christmas Tree. I did not put up the tree I usually do though. I am 33 weeks pregnant and decided I wasn't getting all my Christmas things out this year. Thank goodness for mom's. I called my mom and asked her if I could use one of her small trees that already have lights and decorations on. All I had to do was drive 5 miles to her house, pick it up, bring it home, put it on a table, and plug it in. I don't think it's every been as easy as that to decorate my house. I figure by the time we would have to put everything a way I would be to tired and uncomfortable, so this is what we are doing this year. Next year with a new baby we will get out all the Christmas decorations.
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Saturday, December 1, 2007
Homemade Vegetable Soup
Well I guess the first winter storm of the season has arrived, so I decided to make a pot of homemade vegetable soup. When you live in the midwest and have to deal with the wind, freezing rain, and snow there is not much to do, your pretty much stuck at home. One way my family tolerates this weather is to pitch in and we all make our favorite homemade soup. We let it simmer on the stove most of the day. It makes the house smell so good and helps it to feel warm and cozy. We usually over indulge, but thats okay as it's a pretty healthy soup. I think I'll go now and enjoy my soup.
Rifle Scopes
My husband and 12 year old son are avid hunters. This weekend I haven’t seen much of them as it is opening shotgun season in here in Iowa. Even though the weather has been terrible, John has been out looking for that massive buck that has eluded him so far this year during youth season with my son and during bow season. I have heard over the past few years that the scope he has on his rifle may not be exactly what he wants. By visiting, the internet leader in optics, would be a great place to look for a Bushnell Scope, John’s brand of choice. Not only do they sell scopes but also sunglasses, holsters, goggles, range finders, and much more. Visit them to check out all your optic needs.
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