Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treating

Tonight was the big night, time to take the girls out for Halloween. We usually go to our church for their trunk and treat. Here you go from car to car to get your treats, this is a great thing because it's all people that we know. They have face painting, games, and movies. The kids really enjoy it. We also go and visit Great Grandma Wanda, Grandma Kat, and Grandpa Lloyd. Cole worked at the trunk and treat so he didn't dress up this year, Alli went as a cowgirl and boy was she cute, Becca was a princess of course, and Dru was the cutest pumpkin ever. Even though we were only gone for a very short while, it amazes me how much candy they still manage to bring home.

Designer Costume Jewelry

Going out with friends on a Saturday night, or any night of the week for that matter, is bound to be a good time filled with lots of fun memories. One way to spice up my look and accessories is by wearing designer costume jewelry. Holsted Jewelers has been around since 1971 and provides a wide variety of designer costume jewelry, from classic styles to cutting edge designs. They have sold over 15 million pieces of jewelry to very satisfied customers over the past five years. With something for every lifestyle and budget it's hard not to find the perfect piece to complete any attire.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Yesterday I finally created a facebook account. I haven't taken the time to really check it out or to visit any "friends" who are also on facebook. I am told this is a great place to keep in touch with family and friends, guess we will have to see about that. It should be quite fun to post pictures and videos of the kids for everyone to see. I will also enjoy seeing pictures posted by my friends and family, however it scares me just a little because of all the bad things on the news about facebook. I will have to see how things go with this, I am thinking everything will be just fine.

Cheap Eyeglasses The title of this website speaks for itself. They offer cheap eyeglasses at very affordable prices. With the economy the way it is right now, a bargain is just what I'm looking for, especially while raising four children. This company offers complete eyeglasses starting as low as just $39.99. This price is more then just a bargain, especially since we are also talking about great quality, the same kind of quality glasses that doctors and eye clinics also sell. Not only do they offer cheap eyeglasses, but their company is based out of the United States, which means their product is made here, meaning they are keeping jobs in America. How great is that on top of everything else.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Still Teething

Dru is still teething. She has four teeth already and is starting to work on more. Everything she touches goes right into her mouth, it really doesn't matter what it is. I think her favorite teething object is a cool, damp cloth. She can chew on this for quite some time. Right now it seems her favorite teething toy is the zipper on my jacket. The things kids will put in their mouths. I better go find her something better to chew on.

Deer Hunting

It is that time of year again, time for the guys in my house to dig out all of their hunting gear, get up early or go out in the evening, trying to track down that trophy deer. John and Cole both went out tonight, they put on their camo, got out the bow and arrows, and headed off to their favorite tree stand. I hope for Cole that he finally gets that big buck his been chasing after the past three years. Guess I'll have to wait and until they get home to see if he finally got the big one.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Beauty Schools

It doesn't matter who you are, when it comes to our hair we always feel better when it looks the best it can. Whether it is the style, color, or how healthy it is I believe our self esteem always improves when our hair looks great. One great way to jump start your career in this field may be to start your education with beauty schools in colorado. Regency, a school founded in Minneapolis, MN, but has grown to over 30 campuses in nine states, could be your stepping stone into this great industry. Graduates from Regency are very recognized and sought after throughout the United States.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Grilled Chicken

Tonight for supper we had chicken that was made on our charcoal grill, which I think adds the best flavor. John grilled it to perfection. The outside of the chicken had just the right amount of crispiness and seasoning, while the inside was moist and very juicy. I have found when it comes to grilling chicken the best type to grill is skinless chicken breast still on the bone. Having the bone still on the breast helps to add flavor and I believe it helps to keep it moist. It is very rare that my chicken doesn't turn out when we prepare it this way. Tonight the only thing that was missing was the barbecue sauce. Oh well, I guess it's good to change it up a bit and not always prepare it the same way. My kids opted to have a grilled cheese sandwich instead, they really don't know what they missed, too bad for them.