Monday, January 2, 2012

Far Away

Guest written by our friend Donnie Donovan

Being so far away from family has made life pretty boring for me, to tell you the truth. I was used to going to one of my sister’s houses jus about every night for dinner and since I took this new job I don’t have much to do at night so I spend a lot of time online or watching my channels. I’m actually really into sports right now since I’ve always been a tomboy and football is really big here which is nice. I love being in the know when it comes to my favorite teams. I think it makes me a better single woman since men like it when women like sports and can watch with them and I not only like sports, I love them! I think it’s so much fun to get behind a team and cheer them on. I really miss my family but sometimes I have to remember that I needed to get out on my own and start something new. That’s the place I’m in right now.

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