Friday, April 6, 2012

Leaving My Roomate

Thanks for the guest post by Jo Levy

Work is going well, and I was just promoted to a management position. I enjoy my job and feel so lucky that I am excelling. I am excited that I finally have enough money to get my own place, even though I feel bad that I am leaving my roommate. We are close friends and had a few good years living together. I’m sure one day I will look back at these days and miss having people around all the time, but right now I am ready for my own space. I started looking at apartments last week, and I am pleasantly surprised about what I can afford. There are some great apartments out there. I found one place that has all utilities included, and it’s a great deal. They have clear wireless for the whole building, and a great cable package. I hope to be out of here and in my own place in a few months. I figure it might be easier to go to a place that has everything set up for me so that I don’t have to do all that stuff myself.


My daughter Becca decided she would like to try out for a traveling basketball team and she is very excited that she made the team. She now will have basketball practice up to three time a week. She also has the opportunity to play in eight different tournaments, which will require traveling and overnight stays. One of the reasons she is so excited is having to chance to play with girls her age from surrounding communities, the girls she would normally play against. It should be a very rewarding and excellent learning experience for her.