Sunday, July 8, 2007

Gluten Free Diet

Have been trying to experiment with my 10 year old daughters glueten free diet. We have been giving her some glueten each day to see if she can tolerate it yet. Boy was this a mistake. We have been doing this for about 2 weeks now and the past 4 - 5 days she has been so crabby and uncontrollable. She will not go to bed at night without screaming for a least 2 hours first. If she is not eating something 24/7 she screams. She acts like she just doesn't know what she wants and gets very frustrated when when we cannot figure it out. This make my husband and I frustrated because we feel bad that we just don't know. Doing this little experiment just confirms to us that she needs to be on this gluten free diet. It just makes her life so much better.

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