Next weekend, Saturday, December 6, is opening shotgun season for deer in Iowa. John and Cole can hardly wait to get out there and get that big buck they have been tracking all fall. Not only has John watching for this large buck, so are his buddies Chuck and Dale, they all think he will look so nice up on the wall next to the deer that was shot last year. I think the perfect accessory for this big weekend would have to be Nikon Ultimate Hunter's Package Promo. This package includes ProStaff 3-9x40 Riflescope with BDC Reticle, Prostaff Laser Rangefinder, Silent Technology Rangefinder Case, Mastering a Long-Range Shot with BDC DVD, and a $50 Nikon gift card. This awesome package deal saves you and your favorite hunter around $144.90. Nikon is also offer great gift card promotions. Visit them today and find the perfect gift for your favorite hunter or hunters.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Nikon Ultimate Package
Next weekend, Saturday, December 6, is opening shotgun season for deer in Iowa. John and Cole can hardly wait to get out there and get that big buck they have been tracking all fall. Not only has John watching for this large buck, so are his buddies Chuck and Dale, they all think he will look so nice up on the wall next to the deer that was shot last year. I think the perfect accessory for this big weekend would have to be Nikon Ultimate Hunter's Package Promo. This package includes ProStaff 3-9x40 Riflescope with BDC Reticle, Prostaff Laser Rangefinder, Silent Technology Rangefinder Case, Mastering a Long-Range Shot with BDC DVD, and a $50 Nikon gift card. This awesome package deal saves you and your favorite hunter around $144.90. Nikon is also offer great gift card promotions. Visit them today and find the perfect gift for your favorite hunter or hunters.
Sometimes I Wonder. . .
what Alli is thinking when she give me her goofy little smile or when she looks at me with a scowl and rolls her eyes at me. Alli is my 11 year old daughter, who is Autistic. She is non-verbal and can sometimes get frustrated when we don't figure out what she wants fast enough. At times when I watch Alli and she is watching all of us, I wonder what it is she is thinking? Is she glad she got us for her family or does she think we are all just a bunch of goof balls. Does she know exactly what she wants to say, but just can't connect the wires to get the message out? I know how much she loves us by all the hugs and kisses we receive and I'm sure she knows how much we love her. I just sometimes wonder where her mind is and what she is thinking.
Friday, November 28, 2008
My son Cole has been cruising the internet looking for his dream car. He will be old enough to drive in just a few short months. Like any other boy the faster the car the better, not to mention all of the cool accessories that are a "must" with any really fast car. One website that I have found that offers great things to upgrade your cars with options such as vw turbo, superchargers, turbochargers, and nose covers is at Adding a turbocharger, which improve horsepower, torque, and more, is simply done by forcing air into the system. is the best place to go when looking for air induction systems, not only for the great prices you will receive, but they also offer a wide selection. When looking to add a turbo to you car I recommend visiting
Thanksgiving Dinner
Today we had our second Thanksgiving dinner in just as many days. Tonight I feel so very full and can't quite imagine when I would ever want to eat again. Why is it on holidays all we do is eat, eat, and eat even more. Everyone I talk they all say the same thing, even if they're full and can't possible eat another bite, we all still find room to over indulge. All the food we had was very, very good and the company in which my family and I shared our meal with was even better.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Memphis Shades
John and I have quite a few friends who spend their summers riding motorcycles. I love to hear about all the road trips they take on their bikes and the sights that they see. No matter if they ride a Harley or Honda they are always buying some type of new accessory such as helmets, memphis shades, or boots. For anyone who loves to ride motorcycles as much as my friends, I have found a great new website Visit them today for all your biking needs.
Happy Thanksgiving. . .
. . . and I cannot wait to eat the turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pies, and everything else. This is one of my favorite days of the year. I love it because it's nice to be able to get together with family and catch up on all that has gone on over the year and to also hear about what may be happening the next year. Hope everyone has a wonderful time with their family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Mexico Vacations
Everyone I know has a different idea about what the perfect vacation is. For someone it might be an excursion to the mountains on a hunting trip of their dreams, where as another person's dream vacation might be to visit the white sand beaches of the Riviera Maya, mexico vacations may be just what this type of person is looking for. One hotel that I have heard about is Karisma Hotels, which offers individual indulgences along with fabulous entertainment, accommodations, and excellent service. Each of their hotels are very specific, whether it is family based, adults only, food related, or the Au Natural Club there is definitely something for everyone looking to vacation in Mexico. A great souvenir to purchase while on vacation is always gold. Have fun on your trip to Mexico.
Cole's Game
Tonight we decided not to go to Cole's basketball game in Belmond. John thought the drive was a little to far and we didn't know how Alli would sit through two nights in a row of games. When Cole got home tonight he told us all about the great game he had. It turns out he was totally on, he was one of the leading scorers, rebounders, and stealers. I hope he didn't have this great of a game just because John wasn't there. I think his dad make him just a little bit nervous. Way to go Cole, keep up the great playing and start to show everyone what a great player you really are.
Grandma Wanda's Bread
Tonight, while visiting with Grandma Wanda, she told me that she needed to bake another batch of bread before Thanksgiving. I asked her when she was planning on doing this, as I would like to come and help her. Grandma's response to me was, "I don't need any help, I can do it by myself". My mom and I both started to laugh (Grandma has had some health issues and I think she believes we believe she cannot do anything for herself). I proceeded to tell Grandma that I knew she didn't need any help, I just wanted to learn how to make bread and she would be the perfect teacher. I have been trying for years to get her to teach me, I think it is just easier for her to do it herself and not have anyone in the way. I am going to keep at her though and hope that one of these days she will take the time to teach me.
Las Vegas Shows
Four years ago, when my sister and her husband were married in Las Vegas, was the last time I have visited this city of lights. This was my second time vacationing in Las Vegas, and I hope to go again sometime. The end of this month Trisha and Mike are going again, to celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary. My first trip was filled with many Las Vegas Shows. Jane and I went to a very funny comedy and also a wonderful music show, however my second trip was filled with various wedding activites, so seeing a show was not an option. I hope during Trisha and Mike's trip they are able to see a couple great shows and enjoy their time together, a break away from their two wonderful boys.
4 Teeth. . .
and counting. Dru is cutting teeth again. It seems she is unable to cut them one or even two at a time, she has four that are trying to come in right now. Of those four, two have just broke through and the other two are very close. I cannot wait for them to also break through. Dru, John, and I have had quite a few sleepless nights during this teething session. Not only are our nights getting long, she has been very irritable and she really doesn't know what she wants. Her poor little hands are starting to get chapped. I just can't convince her to stop chewing on them. Her favorite toy right now is a cold washrag, which doesn't help the chapped hands or face. Hopefully by Christmas she will be done, at least for a while anyway.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Pheasant Hunting
For the past two weeks Cole has been asking his dad to take him and a friend pheasant hunting. Brice, who loves to hunt, has not been out this season as his dad has had to work a lot of overtime. Tonight Brice is spending the night so that they, Cole, Brice, and John, can get up bright and early and hit the fields in hopes of finding lots of birds. It has been a rainy fall and there is still a lot of corn in the fields, which means lots of places for the pheasants to hide. Tomorrow is suppose to be cold and windy, I hope the birds don't hide to well in all of that corn or we may have two very disappointed boys. It would sure be fun if Brice could shoot a couple birds and was able to take them home to his dad.
Duocal Powder
Having a daughter with special needs I know exactly how important dietary supplements are, especially in children like Alli, whose diets are so restricted. AllegroMedical offers supplements such as duocal Powder, which is Gluten free, lactose free, and protein free. This is a high calorie powder specially made for protein and/or electrolyte restricted diets. Duocal powder provides fats and carbohydrates, which helps to increase caloric intake in children as young as one year of age and older. One website I have found where you are able to purchase this product is at AllegroMedical. Founded in 1996, they have expanded to include such retail products as nutritional dietary supplements, exercise and fitness equipment, and outdoor equipment.
Dru is almost 10 months old. I just don't know where the time has gone. I have started to ween her of breast milk. I think my milk has gotten less and less, which means she isn't as satisfied anymore. She is down to one feeding in the morning and once in the evening. I think by the first of December I should be done. She is a very hungry little girl, she prefers to eat her table food and then have a bottle. I guess that's okay, it's time I get my body back anyway. I love the bonding the breastfeeding provides, but it's nice to not be so tied down. Breastfeeding takes a lot of dedication, it's well worth it though.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Christmas is just around the corner, with that being said, I can honestly say that I will be doing more of my shopping online this year. Not only does it save time, but it happens to be more convenient then running from store to store trying to find what I need, at the the price I am willing to spend. One website that I have found where just about any product can be purchased is at They have changed online shopping by crawling the internet for all websites with products to sell, instead of just offering websites that have been paid to be found. This means I can compare prices from all different stores from one friendly website, ShopWiki.
Having a wide age range of children to buy for, from teenagers to infants, I know I will be able to find just what I am looking for on this website. One gift I will be looking for this year are the baby-soft-to touch books. These fun interactive books will be perfect for my daughter and newphew. I am also looking for a new infant/toddler carseat for Dru, one that she can use now and as a booster seat. I like the idea that I can also check to make sure this product is safe, I can do this by checking the recall list, right from ShopWiki. Visit them today and see what they have to offer.
Having a wide age range of children to buy for, from teenagers to infants, I know I will be able to find just what I am looking for on this website. One gift I will be looking for this year are the baby-soft-to touch books. These fun interactive books will be perfect for my daughter and newphew. I am also looking for a new infant/toddler carseat for Dru, one that she can use now and as a booster seat. I like the idea that I can also check to make sure this product is safe, I can do this by checking the recall list, right from ShopWiki. Visit them today and see what they have to offer.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Listening to the weatherman tonight has been a little bit depressing to say the least. According to the man I listened to, we could get a couple inches of snow by the end of the weekend. I love having all four seasons, however I wish spring, summer, and fall would last much longer, as the winters seem to get longer and colder. Hopefully if we do get snow this early in the season, it will only mean that it will not last as long in the spring. It would be okay by me if shortly after Christmas was when we had our last snowfall for the season, however I don't think that is even a remote possibility.
Alcohol And Drug Recovery
It seems whenever I turn on the TV or read the newspaper there is someone in need of Alcohol and Drug Recovery assistance. I am so grateful that there are places like Three Hills Ranch Recovery with programs like intervention, family therapy, drug testing, a day treatment recovery program, and many other wonderful programs to help those in need. Alcohol and drugs are so prevalent in our society today, it is good to know that if I or a loved one was ever in need of assistance that there are facilities out there to help.
Nine Months Old

Dru turned nine months old on October 22. I cannot believe how fast the time has gone. I think this is because she is my baby, absolutely no more children, four is definitely enough. Today we went to the doctor for her nine month check up. Since we do not vaccinate, all that needed to be done was weight, height, and to see that she was meeting all her achievements for this age. I am happy to say that she is right on target. A very happy and healthy baby girl. She is 24.9 pounds and 29 inches tall, which means Dru is in the 97% for height and weight. This means that she is 97% heavier and taller then other girls her age. My arms can definitely tell how much she weighs. I am not going to complain though, time just flies by.
Online Degree
In the Midwest, where I presently live, jobs are hard to come by. Not only are they hard to come by, but some employees go to work everyday wondering if it will be the last day that they have a job at the company they are currently working for. I think one way to improve their skills and help with finding other employment is by improving their qualifications, and a great way to do this is by receiving an online degree. Capella University, an accredited online university, offers masters and PhD programs. They offer a podcast, featuring Beverly Enns, Capella's faculty chair, for reading and literacy. Anyone looking to improve their career opportunities should visit their website today.
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit
Election 2008

It's finally over, the election of 2008 has been decided. Barack Obama and Joe Biden have done it, they have won the election and will take over the White House on January 20, 2009. I don't think it really mattered if John McCain or Barack Obama won this election, whoever inherited the mess we are in right now sure has their hands full. My hope for our new president is this, I hope he finds a way to heal our economy, our health care system, and our relationships with the rest of the world. We need to let the rest of the world know that we are still the great America that we have always been and will always be. Good luck to our new president, their families, and the staff that will be assisting him.
Tactical Pants
One website that I have found where you can purchase tactical pants at a reduced price is at In the past 15 days alone they have sold over 3,000 pairs of pants. With over 20 years of experience in the design of police and military apparel you can be assured that their operator tactical pants are exactly what you are looking for. These pants are designed with the customer in mind. They are fully loaded with more pockets, comfort, and maneuverability. This website gets rid of the middle man, which means they can then pass on the savings directly to us, their customers.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Too Much Texting
For the past two months I have gotten really nervous when I see my cell phone bill has arrived in the mail. Cole, who is my 13 year old son, has started texting his friends more then he calls them. Like other parents with teenagers I have finally learned my lesson. For the month of October and November my phone bill has almost doubled due to his fast little fingers. I am very fortunate that my cell phone company did right by us and retro acted back different programs to help reduce the amount we owed. We now have unlimited texting for his phone, which means next months bill better not be such a surprise.
Thanksgiving Day Sale
Christmas is just about six weeks away. For those of us who wait until the last minute to get our shopping done, the time is winding down very fast. One of my favorite times to shop for Christmas is on Black Friday, which is the day after Thanksgiving. Having four children to shop for, as well as many nieces and nephews, I find my best savings happen during the thanksgiving day sale.
I like to make out my list in advance, and one way to do that is to receive email alerts from This website is a fabulous tool when making out my Christmas list. By visiting their website you can sign up for notifications from your favorite stores, such as Sears, by doing this their ads will be emailed directly to you. There is no longer a need to rush out to the gas station on Thanksgiving morning to hurriedly read through the ads while getting ready for your turkey dinner.
Another reason this website is such a great idea is that I don't have to leave the comfort of my home, I can simply visit this website and order the sale items right online. There is no longer a need to rush out during the early morning hours, hoping to get the special savings on the perfect gift for my family. With just a few clicks of the mouse my shopping is done and my gifts will be shipped right to my home. It really doesn't get to much better then that when it comes to shopping during the holiday season. I really like the idea of not having to fight the crowds, but still reaping all the benefits of Black Friday. Visit them today and sign up for your favorite stores email alerts.
I like to make out my list in advance, and one way to do that is to receive email alerts from This website is a fabulous tool when making out my Christmas list. By visiting their website you can sign up for notifications from your favorite stores, such as Sears, by doing this their ads will be emailed directly to you. There is no longer a need to rush out to the gas station on Thanksgiving morning to hurriedly read through the ads while getting ready for your turkey dinner.
Another reason this website is such a great idea is that I don't have to leave the comfort of my home, I can simply visit this website and order the sale items right online. There is no longer a need to rush out during the early morning hours, hoping to get the special savings on the perfect gift for my family. With just a few clicks of the mouse my shopping is done and my gifts will be shipped right to my home. It really doesn't get to much better then that when it comes to shopping during the holiday season. I really like the idea of not having to fight the crowds, but still reaping all the benefits of Black Friday. Visit them today and sign up for your favorite stores email alerts.
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