Thursday, April 26, 2007

Broken Arm?

Well my day started out pretty much normal until I woke up my 9 year old daughter. She must of fallen out of bed in the night because when I opened up her bedroom door there she stood, not very happy I might add, with a big rug burn down her nose. She seemed a little crabby while getting ready this morning but nothing that was to bothersome. After being at work for about one hour I received a call from the school nurse saying she was crying hysterically and they thought her arm may need to be looked at because when anyone touched it she would cry harder. My daugher is autistic and is also non-verbal so it is hard to tell when when something hurts her. She doesn't like to use her hands so she doesn't use sign language either so trying to figure out what is wrong takes some investigating. My husband took her to see her pediatrician and he thought maybe she bruised it real good. He told us to keep an eye on it tonight and to make sure she uses it or we may need to do x-rays. For the most part she seems to be using it but seems to guard it quite a bit. I have no idea how we would get x-rays on her because she doesn't like anyone to restrain her. I could not imagine what it would be like for her to wear a cast. This could be an experience that I hope we don't have to go thru.

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