Thursday, December 11, 2008

Vacation Day

Tuesday, December 9, 2008 was suppose to be a day at home for me. I had this day planned for about three weeks and it couldn't get here fast enough. I was going to spend the day doing what I wanted, just me, myself, and I. However, Monday blew in some bad news for me. It started off in the afternoon with a call from the school letting me know they were getting out early because of the bad snow storm that was moving in. Of course with Iowa weather nothing is ever as simple as just snow, we had to get some ice first, then snow along with some very strong winds. This almost always means no school the next day. Yep, that's right, Mom didn't get her day home alone, I was stranded there with my four beautiful children and husband.... some day, whenever that my be, I will get a day to myself:)

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