Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Good Help
John was suppose to start a new job this week. He will be making a flat roof into a peeked roof. He has one person who helps him out but has had an excuse everyday this week as to why he cannot make it. Because he has had no help he has been helping his dad farm. Tonight he called my brother Lance and another friend Matt to see if they could help him out tomorrow. He really needs to get started before the weather turns to cold and it starts to snow. I guess it's true when they say it's hard to find good help now days and reliable help.
My father-in-law Jim is right in the middle harvest. We had a little delay in getting the crops out of the fields because of all the rain we got a couple of weeks ago. John has been helping Jim the last couple of days to try and help get the crops out of the field faster. All the farmers in our area have been going day and night. Harvest started so early this year that a lot of farmers thought they would get done earlier this year, but with the rain we had it may end up taking longer.
A top priority for enterprise customers is security and finding a company that can help them with that security is a very important decision. Symark PowerBroker, who is the leading company for security administration solutions for heterogeneous IT environments, has announced its PowerBroker and PowerPass Work – User Management Edition will fully support HP Integrity servers running on HP – UX 11i v3 system. The goal of this new system is to insure that there will be restrictions and monitoring access to proprietary information and systems. GLBA will make sure there are limits when accessing information and systems based on pre-defined policies. Symark has been in business 1985 and is there for you to provide unmatched technical support and pass on their expertise in enterprise computing security.
California Fires
I saw on the news tonight that they believe a boy started one of the devastating fires in California. How this family must feel and how scared this boy must have been and still is. I know kids will be kids and it always seems like matches are such a big fascination for them. I just hope other children who have heard about this boy will think twice before playing with matches. One never knows what devastating thing can happen when playing with fire.
Tonight is the first night in 12 years that my husband and I do not have to take kids out for trick or treating. Cole is to "old" to be seen with his parents on Halloween, Alli hates dressing up and would rather stay home, and Becca went with a friend to her church. I am really glad that I am not out and about because it's very windy and starting to get colder out.
Long Distance Moving Companies
Moving can be one of the most stressful things that we have to do in our lifetime. Trying to find the perfect home to purchase and than trying to figure out how to get your possessions to that home is a hard decision to make. Choosing the perfect Long Distance Moving Companies can be a very difficult decision but Service Network is here to help. They will only represent moving companies who meet a certain criteria who must be licensed and insured. All companies must go through a strict application process and must also meet a number of qualifying factors. They are in business to help families choose a reputable company and to help them know they will have a safe move. Service Network has also negotiated with these reliable companies to provide you with a 65% discount. Look them up today and have a stress free move.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Autism's New Guidelines
I was happy to see in the newspaper and on Larry King Live last night that new guidelines for pediatricians have been set. It will now be necessary for pediatricians to check each child for Autism before they turn two. They will now need to be check at their 18 month and 24 month check ups. I think this is a good step in the right direction, however I still think children need to be evaluated before they are 18 months old, as some kids show signs even earlier. My daughter Alli, who is Autistic was diagnosed way to late at the age of 3 1/2. I would have to agree that 7 years ago doctors had no idea what to look for and when to diagnose and refer out to a specialist, even when we asked questions like "does Alli have Autism"? The key to helping all kids on the spectrum is to start early intervention, so the sooner we can diagnose Autism the greater chance these wonderful kids have to lead a "normal" life.
Sabrina Gone
I couldn't believe it tonight, Sabrina was voted off of Dancing with the Stars. I thought she was the dancer who would make it all the way to the top. It was so surprising to see Cameron in the bottom two with her. I really didn't want to see either of them go, but you knew one of them had to go. They are both very good dancers. I could really tell that Sabrina was heartbroken that she had to leave tonight.
Personalized Baby Gifts
I am 27 weeks pregnant with baby number four. This is almost like starting over for my husband and I and we couldn’t be more excited. I have recently learned about a website which offers personalized baby gifts. How exciting to receive gifts personalized just for baby or special gift for babies siblings. They offer great ideas from babies first Christmas, digital picture frames, décor for the nursery, and many more products that are just adorable. My youngest child will be eight when this new baby arrives and I just can not believe how things have changed and become more personal since then. I am really looking forward to all the neat things that this baby will bring to our home. Check out The Nest Baby Shop for all your baby gift needs. They sure do have a lot of very neat ideas.
My daughter Alli, who is 10 years old, was diagnosed with Autism when she was 3 1/2 years old. Since then we have been in a up hill battle to do whatever it is that we think will help her to achieve a "normal" life. Years ago we did different kinds of chelation in hopes that we could rid some of the harmful toxins from her system. My husband and I know that she is vaccine injured. One draw back to all the treatments we have tried is the expense. Tonight while visiting my chiropractor he brought up the issue of chelating again. He gave me a website to visit that talked about heavy metal detox and a magnetic clay bath. Both of these are suppose to help with removing mercury and many other toxins from her system. I am looking forward to visiting with him next week to discuss this further. I am hoping that this will be another big step in her recovery.
Tonight I went to the chiropractor. I am 27 weeks pregnant and am having some difficulty with my lower back. It seems I can't even do dishes without throwing it out. Tonight Dr. John tried a new technique which I think I liked a lot better. He used some new type of equipment, which means he didn't have to adjust my neck in the traditional manner. It was very different but I think I will like this treatment.
Orlando Florida
My sister and her husband have been married now for about 3 years. Her husband is just a few years older than her and loves to go to Disney World. Years ago he started a tradition with his grandchildren. That tradition is when they turn nine he will take them to Disney World in Orlando, FL. To show what a wonderful person Mike is, he took my son with two of his grandchildren about three years ago. He has now offered my daughter the same opportunity, to go in about two years when his granddaughter and Becca both turn nine. Because of all the people that will be going I may recommend to him that they rent a Villa in Orlando. By going to anyone who lives in the UK can visit this website and pick their perfect villa to stay at while visiting Disney World. Each place has about 20 pictures to browse through to find just what you are looking for. Once you have picked out your perfect villa, Lowery's Vacation Homes will make sure that it will be the one you will be staying in, with all the amenities you are requesting.
Monday, October 29, 2007
We have had our corn burner going since this weekend. It is 81 degree's in our house tonight. I know it's only that warm because it is a nice calm night outside. I hope that this winter when the temperatures really drop that it does this good of a job. I am really hoping not to run the furnace much this winter. We are trying to save on the cost of LP. It just seems like the price keeps going up and up. One nice thing about the corn burner is that we can get the corn from my father-in-law cheaper than buying LP.
Bad Credit
When it seems that you have tried everything to get a loan, but you have bad credit, there is one website you can now visit and they will be able to help you. By visiting you can browse by bad credit offers from many major financial providers, view your offers their offers side by side, and apply online with the best option for you. IF you are looking to pay off high interest credit cards, refinance your current home mortgage, auto loans, consolidation loans or debt settlement, or you need to take out a personal loan to do as you wish they just be what you have been looking for. Check them out today to see what bad credit loans they have that will work for you.
Dancing With The Stars
Tonight Dancing With The Stars is on again. I sometimes wonder how they can dance like they do. They just amaze me. Most of them look like they have been doing ballroom dancing for years. I think Sabrina may be the one to beat this year but I also think that Mel B. and Cameron are doing quite well also. Their outfits they wear are really awesome too. I bet they will be in the best shape of their lives after their time on Dancing With The Stars.
Bad Credit Loans
It seems with every passing day it is getting harder for the average family to keep up. Falling behind on payments is often one of the side effects of trying to keep up with the Jones. If you are one of the many Americans who have bad credit there is a way to help rebuild your credit future by comparing loans from many different major financial providers who are willing to provide bad credit loans to those in who may be in need of help. By consolodating your monthly payments into one loan,keeping up with your monthly payments, and by paying them on time will help set you in the right direction for good credit again. Check out to see how they can help you on your way to financial freedom.
I am now 27 weeks pregnant and am starting to look for daycare. I am tossing up with going to a large daycare facility with this baby, just for the convenience of knowing they will never be closed. My other children went to a in home daycare center, which is what I prefer. It seems like in home daycare centers have more one on one time for the children. It will be a hard decision to make.
Cosmetic Surgery
It seems that we are all in the market to have that perfect body. The problem with this image is that we usually want this perfect body in the easiest possible way. Now days, with our busy lives, it seems that dieting and exercise are almost impossible to do. Plastic Surgery is one option have to help us achieve the goal we are looking for. Recently there was an article in Times magazine about MYA, a cosmetic surgery clinic in the UK. The author of this article was very impressed with how personal they were and how they did not want to rush into anything without the author trying to fix her problem areas herself. I was very impressed when I read this it’s nice to know there are still doctors who are looking out for their patients. Some guidelines to follow when looking for a surgeon are to make sure your surgeon is registered with the general medical council, check to make sure they have done further studies by looking for FRCS Plast behind their name, find a surgeon who is a member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons or the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeons. Also be sure to visit at least two surgeons before committing to a surgeon and always as to speak with patients who have already had surgery similar to the one you are researching.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Nice Day
It looks like we are going to get another nice sunny day before the fall / winter weather finally sets in. I am not looking forward to the dreary days of winter that are looming just around the corner. I prefer to have summer. It just seems like there is so much more to do. When winter comes I feel like I am stuck indoors for days at a time. I am glad we still have a few days like the one today before the cold starts to stay for good.
Secured Home Equity Loans
Have you ever wondered how to begin looking for that perfect loan? One that can help consolidate debt so that you only have on monthly payment instead of multiple payments in a month. Maybe it’s time to finally do some remodeling on the home of your dreams, to make it just the way you have always dreamed about. I have found a website for just for you, Magic Loans may be exactly what you have been looking for. They offer Secured Home Equity Loans that will help get you on track to whatever it might be. Visit them to see what they have to offer you.
Yesterday I spent the day rearranging my living room. Since my grandparents were nice enough to give us their old recliners I needed to get things organized. We were lucking enough that they matched our couch and love seat perfectly. Becca and I also washed windows in the living room. It's nice to be able to see out of them again. I am hoping now that our road has been paved, which means no more dust from a gravel road, things will stay dust free longer. I know this is a lot to ask, but one can always hope.
Commercial Van Insurance
Looking for insurance for anything from home, auto, or life insurance can be a task that is no fun to do. Trying to find the best rates for what you need can be a never ending task. By visiting Autonet Insurance they will be able to help you with all your commercial van insurance needs. Their website is very user friendly, just go to their website and they will be able to give you a quote online in no time at all. This company will be able to help find you Cheap Van Insurance UK just by checking them out for their guarantee of the cheapest quote or your money back. This website is also very good at explaining exactly why you need van insurance and what qualifications you need to be able to drive a commercial van. Visit them today to see what Autonet Insurance can do for you.
Sunday Dinner
Before church today I put a chicken and potatoes in the oven for Sunday dinner. When we got home the house smelled so very good and was so nice, warm, and cozy. It turned out that the chicken and baked potatoes were as yummy as they smelled. We also had homemade chocolate chip/peanut butter chip cookies that topped it off just right. I am glad that I don't eat this much everyday or I would be in big trouble.
Mortgage Broker
When my husband and I decided to purchase our first home it was very exciting and somewhat confusing. When you have never bought a home before, it’s not always easy to understand all the financial aspects and wording in the mortgage document. We were very fortunate to have a Mortgage Broker who was willing to explain everything to us ahead of time, so when it came to signing the papers we understood exactly what we were signing and doing. I am glad for this because it was a very important step stone in our lives to building our future home. I was very happy that we had someone by our side for this journey, to make sure everything went just as it should.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
The other day we Alli brought a note home from her teacher letting us know she got first place for bowling in the Special Olympics. She also sent home her blue ribbon. Alli was so excited when her dad and I told her we were so proud of her. In November she will be going to the state competition. Last year she got second place for her age division. I hope she does just as good this year, as she really enjoys bowling. A lot of her family will be there to cheer her on this year. Good Luck Alli.
Concrete Garages
Lidget Concrete Garages, which is based in the UK, is a company with 30 years of experience in building state of the art concrete and Sectional Garages , that are rigid, strong, and cost effective when it comes to design and customer satisfaction. If you are in the market for a concrete garage, single or double, or maybe a gardening shed this is one website you need to check out. They have an experienced staff that will be sure to handle any question you may have. Another great aspect of their company is their price match promise, they promise to not be undersold. These garages are made in a modern factory using the latest technology. Check out their website today.
Dinner Plans
Tonight John surprised me by saying we were going out for supper. It's so nice to have little surprises like this, especially when I don't have to cook or clean up supper. I think we will probably go to a local restaurant here in town. I love their ham pita and their cheesy fries. The sad thing is they will be closing by the end of November. I hope who ever takes over for them has just as good food as they do now.
Sales Training
Whatever career it is that any of us has chosen to pursue in our lifetime, such as plumbing, it’s always nice to know that there are people out there who are willing to offer Sales Training in our field of choice. There is a website out there that you can check out to get you started in the right direction when it comes to plumbing qualifications. They have a step by step guide to make sure you are doing the right things to become qualified. This company has 3 years of experience in the training of new plumbers. Since then they have centres all over the UK. They have had such great success that their customers have asked them to expand their business to help with Sales Training also, which is where this company is headed. Check them out today.
Pheasant Hunting
Today was opening weekend for pheasant hunting. My son and husband went out this morning with the dogs. Between the two of them they got a total of three birds. I know the dogs love going out hunting just as much as John and Cole do. They also went with their good friend Dale and his dog. I'm sure they will go out again tomorrow and are hoping to get a few more birds.
St. Augustine
Shopping for antiques is a favorite past time for many people. If antiquing is truly one of the greatest hobbies you have, then I have the perfect destination for you. On October 27, 2007 and November 24, 2007 there are incredible opportunities to do some antique shopping in the oldest city in our nation, St. Augustine, along San Marco Ave. From 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm you are able to shop in this antique district. While shopping for rare antiques and books enjoy the live music that will be playing up and down the avenue. Some of the local antique dealers will even offer workshops and there will be local authors on hand for book readings and signings. Also, check out the art galleries to see work from some of the finest artist in Florida. Just a few blocks away from all this is Aviles Street, the oldest street in America, where you can scope out even more great finds. Another great thing to check our while visiting all these Events in St. Augustine, are Riply’s Museum and Mission of Nombre de Dios, which remain open during this special event. If this sounds like fun to you, then check out the San Marco Shopping district in St. Augustine, FL.

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Cold Weather
The weather here sure has been getting colder with each passing day. We ran out of corn for our corn burner, which is what we are hoping will heat our home most of the winter so that we only have to run the furnace when it's really cold this winter. Last night it got down to 57 degrees before we went and got more corn. Tonight it's back to being nice and toasty in here. I am really not looking forward to winter, but living here we really don't have much of a choice.
New Furniture
Yesterday my grandparents bought two new recliners, which means we got their two old ones, which are in very good condition. Tonight they came over to visit. I think they just missed their chairs. Both of them made comments about how their bodies are just not used to the new chairs. I'm sure glad they thought of us and gave us their good, used chairs. We sure think they are comfortable too.
Sea World
I think almost every family in America, if not the world dreams of visiting Disney World at some point in their lives, whether it’s to take their own children or their grandchildren. With the rising cost of everything these days it’s nice to know you can still go and maintain some type of budget. There is a website you can now go to that offers discount Disney admission tickets to most of there theme parks. These passes can be purchased for a one day pass all the way up to a ten day pass. One great purchase you can make is for Sea World Tickets. I know my children would love to go and see all the sea creatures here.
My grandpa and grandma came to visit my family tonight. When they do come to visit they usually just stop by, bring goodies of course. I really enjoy when they come over. I love spending time with them. Grandparents are such a great thing to have. I am very lucking to still have mine. I sure hope they are around for a long time to come.
It’s a part of everyday life, driving from here to there. Trying to reach all the important destinations we need to get to, such as rushing our kids to basketball practice, events at church, and many more places. Wouldn’t it be bring peace of mind if we knew other drivers on the road were driving as safely as we do? For instance, when those new teen drivers are on the road wouldn’t it be nice if they had someone watching over them at all times making sure they are driving safely? Now there can be with GreenRoad. GreenRoad has developed technology to monitor how safe we are driving. Once you have this installed in your vehicle it measures how you’re driving. Once you are home safe for the night you can log on and see how they have rated your driving and what you need to improve on. Stats show that the customers that use this company have seen a 54% decrease in car accidents. Doesn’t this sound like a great way to decrease accidents for everyone? Check them out today.
Scooby Doo
My 10 year old daughter Alli, who is autistic, is a huge fan of Scooby Doo. I don't know how many times she has seen each episode. My guess is hundreds. Her favorite Scooby movie is Vampire Rock. It's a really good thing that the rest of her family, including her dad and myself don't mind watching or listening to all the different movies that she watches. Alli would be beside herself if she didn't get her daily fix of Scooby Doo.
Truck Toolbox
Trucks are a very important part of the lives of most men that I know. My husband, who is a contractor, uses his truck every day for all his business needs. Not only does he use it for hauling his supplies and tools but he is also an avid hunter. With Christmas just around the corner a truck toolbox may be just what he needs. I found a great website that offers toolboxes and accessories with reasonable prices and they offer brands like Delta, Delta Pro, Jobox, Challenger, and many more. They also offer heavy duty toolboxes which would keep John’s tools safe while he was at his job site. Check them out today to see what they have for your truck.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Basketball Practice
Yesterday my son Cole started basketball practice for 7th grade. He didn't do much except meet the coach and learn what will be expected of him. Today was the first official day of practice. They did some defense drills, practices shooting, and at the end had to run the famous killers. I think this tired him out a little because he very moody tonight. Trying to ask him any questions about practice or school and getting an answer out of him is asking for a death sentence. I hope his basketball season goes as well as his football season went.
Online Casino
When it comes to gambling I can honestly say I really don’t know too much. I have heard of most of the games such as poker, slot machines, craps, and roulette, but I must confess that I really don’t understand the rules of these games. I know you place bets in hopes of beating the odds and winning the big jackpot. I must really be unlucky because when I have played a slot machine I have never gotten the jackpot only small change here and there. I am surprised to find out that there is an online casino where people can go to gamble. Not only is there one website but close to 3,000 of them. One website where a person can go to review these online casinos is at Here players can get a detailed review of trust score, game experience, and bonus’s that these sites offer so that you are able to select the best online casino for you. If you are interested in gambling and want to know which is the best casino for you than visit them today.
My 7 year old daughter Becca is not wanting to go to bed at night. The last two nights it has been at least 10:00 if not later. The bad thing about this is it's hard to have any alone time when you always have someone wanting to be your shadow. Which I really don't mind because they only want your attention for so long before they grow up and don't need their mom as much any more. Also, she is not wanting to get up in the morning. I told her tonight she had to be in bed by 8:30. We will see how this goes and if she puts up a fight or not.
Ecommerce Software
Starting your own business can sometimes be overwhelming. How does someone go about starting a store online and making sure you have everything that you need? One place that can help insure that things are being done correctly is to visit They are a leading company who can help to get you set up with the ecommerce software that you need to start your online store and have it heading in the right direction from the start. They will do whatever is needed to get you started on the right path to success. They also have the ability to integrate all their shopping carts with major banks so that your online store can use paypal and most major credit cards. A commerce shopping cart software is compatible with both merchant accounts and third party payment processors, whom you need to apply with, so that you can offer a wide variety of payment options for all your customers. In doing this it will insure your business to keep on growing and succeeding just as you always dreamed it would.
Diabetic Meter
I am 26 weeks pregnant and found out yesterday that I failed my 3 hour glucose test. I have been officially diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. Today I had to go and spend time with a dietition and a diabetic specailist who taught me how to use my diabetic meter to measure my blood sugar levels. I now have to prick my finger four times a day. I sure hope that this doesn't develope into type II diabetes, which my mom and grandpa have. I just don't think I can get used to checking my blood levels as I hate pricking my finger. I suppose I will just adjust to it and than it won't bother me as much.
Thanksgiving 2007
It’s that time of year again, time to get ready for the holiday season. This time of year is when we have all kinds of fun getting together with our family and friends. It’s time to do all the things we love to do, eating, shopping, and catching up on everything we have missed with our loved ones over the past year. One store that I really like to shop at to get all the things for my holiday needs is at Target, they have such a great selection and you are able to shop for ages young to old, and all this at reasonable prices. I have found the perfect website that will email right to you your black Friday special ads and not only for one of my favorite stores but a lot of my favorite stores. All you have to do is visit their website, give them your email address, let them know which stores you are interested in receiving 2007 thanksgiving specials from and you can go shopping right from the convenience of your own home. What a great way to shop with the after Friday thanksgiving crowd, by staying home, sitting down at your computer, and with the click of your mouse you have all you need. Check them out today.
Friday, October 19, 2007
When it rains it pours. We can go for weeks and get together with any friends. Then when we make plans with one set of friends, we get a call from another set to do something at the exact same time. I really hate that when it happens. It is so much fun to go out and do things with everyone, but to find the time can be kinda tricky sometimes. Guess I will have to call them and let them know we will have to make plans for another time.
When it comes to needing or wanting to remodel your home one way to get the money to do this would be looking into homeowner loans. This is one way to enable yourself to get that project done. By taking out this type of loan you can insure you will finally get the projects done around the house. May be you are in the market to consolidate debt that you already have and an unsecured loan is just what you may need. This is a great way to only have one monthly payment and you could possibly get rid of all the other payments one would make in a month. To see what type of loan is good for you, you may want to Compare loans that are available to you.
My son's Ipod went bad. Thank goodness we took out the insurance policy on it. I took it back last week and they gave him a new one. When we brought it home and downloaded music onto it, it sounded really bad. The music was great, but you could hardly hear the lyrics. All this modern technlogy is really hard for me to figure out, so I took it back to Best Buy, thinking it was bad. Thank goodness they nice enough to show me how to fix it by going into the settings. Boy they must of thought I was a really dummy. Oh well, I am just that it works.
Special Olympics
Yesterday my daughter Alli participated in the Special Olympics for bowling. She did not have one of her better days. Her scores were 70 and 87. Not to bad. Part of her problem was that she needed to wait one hour before they let them bowl. Waiting is not something Alli is good at. Last year she made it to state championship for bowling. I guess we will see if she makes it again this year.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
With today’s society trying to become a healthier society it is nice to know that some people are researching alternative ways to reach this. Choosing not to use traditional methods for treatment may be one way to start that healthier lifestyle. Ethnobotanical is one way to do this, it means treating through plants that have healing properties. One plant, such as blue lotus, is used to achieve this. Entheogen, which means to become divine within, is what is trying to be achieved. This company uses only the highest quality of organic seeds to make their ointments, herbarium specimens, and incense components. It this sounds like something for you, please check them out today.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
What's For Supper
It is that time of night again, time for supper. Sometimes it gets really hard to decide what to make. It seems like I make the same things over and over, with now suggestions from my family. They like to complain about what's for supper, but they offer no ideas on what to make. I guess I better get to making the meal.
Are you in the market for a new career? Have you been searching for the perfect job, but have been unable to find just what you are looking for? Trovix just may be the place for you. By uploading your resume to their website they will do a Resume Search to find exactly what you are looking for. Trovix Intelligent Search Technology combined with an applicant tracking system proves to be the perfect combination for matching employers with possible employees. Visit Trovix user friendly website to see exactly what they can do for you and your future.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Baby Movements
I am 25 Weeks pregnant today. How fast has this time gone. All morning long the baby has just been on the move. I love the feeling of the babies little movements. It makes me feel that I am finally getting to the end. Only about 3 1/2 months to go. Over the weekend my children were able to feel baby move also. I think this little one may become an acrobat by the way he like to move.
Online Shopping
With the busy life that most of us lead it is only natural that we want to find the best deals we can for the products we are looking for. Not only do we want to find the best deals but want to spend the least amount of time doing it. Now you get those great deals by using Online Coupon Codes. My family is very active in the outdoors. Camping, swimming, and hunting are just some of the things we love to do. By using online coupons from Cabela’s we are able to purchase things we need. Also, I love to watch HSN and if you can get extra deals by using online coupons why not. Check them out today to see what great deals they will have for you.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Another Glucose Test
Today my OB doctor called to let me know that my 3 hour glucose test was a little suspicious. My numbers didn't do what typically happens to most people so she wants me to take the test again. She feels this is best thing to do instead of going ahead a labeling me with gestational diabetes. She is hoping that my numbers, with my next test, will do what is typical and hopefully I will pass. I sure hope that I will, I don't want to have to worry about my blood sugar levels for the next 3 1/2 months. I had to do that with my last pregnancy. I sure feel for those people who are diabetic and have to do this for the rest of their lives.
Christmas Shopping
Christmas is just around the corner, which means it’s that busy time of year again. Trying to plan time to be spent with all family immediate and extended. It is also time to exchange gifts with our loved ones, family and friends. With all that is needed to be done when buying that perfect gift for your loved ones saving time and money is something we are all looking for this time of year. Using coupons could be the one way to get that great price on that most important gift you are looking for. I know with my family any kind of athletic clothing or shoes, such as items from Nike Deals, is always a big hit. My sister who is expecting her second child this spring would love anything for BabyCenter Coupons to help her for the arrival of her bundle of joy. Check out CouponChief today and see what great deals they have for you this Christmas season.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Blood Sugar
Yesterday at my 24 week check I had my glucose testing done. This is where they check my blood sugar to see if it is at an acceptable level. Today at work my doctor called to inform me that I did not pass this round of testing, therefore I need to go back and do the more extensive testing. I am scheduled to do this on Thursday morning. This means I have to drink that awful tasting drink again. Then I must have my blood drawn and tested every hour for three hours. I am a little worried that I will not pass this testing either. My theory on this is that with my last pregnancy I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes after the glucose testing. I sure hope this one goes better.
Internet Phone Service
Internet phone service has become very popular in the last couple of years. If you are looking for internet phone service then I recommend visiting iConnectHere. Their website is a great place to go for a VoIP Phone which includes call waiting, caller id, call forwarding, 911 service, and 25 other features. Visiting iConnectHere you will see they have low cost high quality phone service. Signing up with them couldn't be better because you will receive a $30 bonus if you are a new sign up and you will also qualify a 30 day money back guarantee. Check them out today and see what iConnectHere has to offer you. 
Monday, October 8, 2007
Glucose Testing
Today I had my 24 week check up. I also had to do the glucose testing today. This is where you drink a really orange tasting drink that has a lot of sugar. You have five minutes to drink this and than you have to sit for about one hour. When the hour is up they take your blood and test your levels. With my last two pregnancies I ended up having to take another glucose test which means drinking the orange drink again and having blood drawn on the hour for three hours. With my third pregnancy I flunked and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I sure hope I pass this test so I don't have to drink that stuff again. I really don't want to have gestational diabetes again.
Cole had his last 7th grade football game tonight. They had a great game. Their team won 36-0. Cole got a 2 point conversion and picked up a fumble to run it in for a touchdown. I was really happy for him. I am glad that I got to see him make a touchdown this year since I missed his first one of the season he had a couple games ago. Their record this year is 5-1. Not bad for their first year of football.
Are you looking for a less invasive way to lose weight? Something other than having gastric bi-pass surgery, which is consider having a major procedure completed or major surgery done. The staff at Journey Lite just may be the answering you are looking for. Here at Journey Lite they specialize in Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding, otherwise known as LAP-BAND system procedure. With the houston Lap band, a small incision is made and an inflatable adjustable gastric band is inserted and positioned around the upper portion of your stomach. This creates a smaller pouch to give you the feeling of being full and satisfied. Another advantage to this procedure is that it is considered same day surgery. Check out Journey Lite and LAP-BAND today and see how their experienced staff will treat you personalized care while giving you safest and least invasive weight loss surgery available.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Humid Day
Today sure was humid. I believe their is a storm that is going to move in tonight. While sitting outside at my sister-in-laws house it started to cool off, which made us think the rain was finally going to come. Of course it didn't, However we did run into a few light showers on the way home. I bet the farmers are hoping the rain stays away so they can get all their crops out of the field. I'm sure all this rain and humidity isn't good for the moisture in the corn and beans.
Home Equity Loans
Looking for a great way to do some remodeling on your home? If you have equity in your property looking into home equity loan may be just what you need for making that remodel job come true. With this type of loan you are able to use the interest as a tax deduction and in some instances you are able to lower your interest rate on your current mortgage. To find out the benefits for you visit with a mortgage broker who will find exactly what you are looking for.
Today my family and I went to visit my sister-in-law and her family. It is about a 2 1/2 hour drive for us. The boys had fun hiking on the trails. The girls all went to an apple orchard. We bought some Honeycrisp apples. They are my favorite kind of apple. The are really yummy. Alli had fun jumping on the trampoline at Aunt Sandy's house. I really like going up there this time of year. It is so pretty when the leaves change colors.
Life Insurance
Doing everything you can for your family is a goal all of us have. Not only should we do this while here on this earth, but we all want to make sure they are financially okay when it is time for us to leave this world. life insurance is one way of making sure our families are taken care of. It is very wise to take out enough that all debt is covered so there is no worries for those we leave behind. If your looking for life insurance one great way to safe on premiums is also to take out multiple policies like auto insurance. Visit this great website for your quote today.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Road Kill
Tonight on the way to Lake Mills and then Mason City we saw a lot of road kill. The farmers are going strong in the field and it's putting all the little critters on the move. Tonight we saw anything from deer, skunk, raccoons, and even a little kitten. I sure hate driving by a dead skunk because they smell so bad, which in turns stinks up the vehicle your riding in for miles down the road. I will be glad when the farmers get their crops out and we don't have to watch for as many animals.
Innovative Tutor
Tonight my daughter was talking to me about the newest book she is reading. It is a Nancy Drew book. Becca is in the second grade and is excelling with her reading this year. Last year she was having a difficult time keeping up with the kids in classroom. I am so glad she saw a reading tutor because she now has such excitement when she tells me about all the books she reads. Hiring a Innovative Tutor thru Score Educational Centers could also be the next great thing for your child. Check them out and see what they have to offer you.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I am so glad that I have friends that let me in on the little secret of blogging. I really enjoy all that blogging has to offer. I have been trying to get my sister and sister-in-law to start blogging. I don't think they totally understand the concept. As much as I tell them what a great thing this is they just have no interest in doing it. Their famous line is that they don't have enough time. The sad thing is that they don't understand that how can you not make time for it. It is to bad because the extra cash I earn blogging has come in really handy. Maybe one day they will turn around and see all the great things about blogging too.
Ecommerce Software
For anyone who is looking to start their own business or already have their own business but are looking for a way to get it noticed, is one place you need to check out. They have revolutionary online shopping cart available for a low monthly fee and you can be sure that there are no hidden fees. This award winning web based administrations has helped thousands of merchants build their online stores to compete with other top merchants. This website is integrated with major banks, PayPal, and major credit cards to get your online store up and running. Be sure that your customers will be safe with the security program call SSL protection which will keep all their financial information safe. This sounds like an ideal way to get your business the exposure it needs to really take off. With the ecommerce software you can be sure that all your information will remain safe and secure at all times. Not only that, but your online store will be have a fully customized design. To get more information about the shopping cart and go to their website and check them out today.

Hectic Night
Wow the night sure did go by fast. I can't believe it's as late as it is. Tonight we finally did find an infant car seat/travel system when we went to Mason City. It wasn't the car seat I was looking at at first but this one has all the qualities that we were looking for where the other one didn't. We also had to buy a body pillow for me tonight as sleeping at night is getting a little more difficult. I seem to be waking up stiffer. I was hoping with our new bed it wouldn't be as hard to sleep. I am beginning to think it doesn't matter where you sleep at this point it will be difficult and uncomfortable. I hope the body pillow helps.
Are you looking for an easy and fun way to earn money from home? All you need is a computer, internet, and the love of blogging. It is so much fun being able to write your thoughts down in a blog and have people any where in the world read about you and what you’re thinking about. If this sounds like something that interest you then check out Smorty. It’s easy with Smorty to get paid for blogging. With Smorty and blog advertising it’s easy to make money from home. All you need to do is write your opinion on different products that fall under your available opportunities. It’s as simple as that. If your advertiser likes what they see, you get paid for what you wrote. If this sounds like fun to you then check out Smorty and blog for money. Then tell your family and friends how easy it is and in turn they will give you a big thank you.
Fast Day
Today at work the time just went by so fast. I couldn't believe when it was 4:30 and time to go home for the day. I really like it when the days go fast like that because home is where everyone really wants to be. I like spending time with my kids and watching them grow up and seeing how their personalities are developing.
Math Tutors
When addition and subtraction come easily to your child but the next step of multiply and dividing come much harder Math Tutors may be just what you need. When your child is able to keep up with the rest of the children in her class things are just better all the way around. Score Education Centers can help put you and your child on the right path for many years of great learning.
Tomorrow they are finally starting to blacktop our road. It is way overdue. This weekend we had a lot of rain and our road is one muddy mess. I hope it isn't to inconvenient, but if it is it is well worth it. I am so excited to have less dust blowing thru our windows. Hopefully it doesn't take them to long to do.
Is your child struggling with reading? Is she or he having trouble keeping up with the rest of the kids in class? Score Education Center is an excellent place to go to give your child the little extra help they may need to get them where they need to be. My daughter received help last year in school from Reading Tutors and her reading ability has grown by leaps and bounds and so has her confidence.
We now have 6 baby kittens outside on our acrage. My seven year old daughter just loves them. They are finally starting to get really big and quite cute. My husband is not a fan of cats, he is more of a dog person, but I like having them on the acrage. It also keeps Becca entertained which is a really good thing.
Storage Bins
When ever I go into my husband’s garage it is such a mess. I just don't know how he knows where anything is at. He tells me he is very organized and can find whatever it is he is looking for. I have no such luck when I am looking for a hammer or screw driver. I really don't believe it when he tells me that, so I think the perfect gift for him would be storage bins where everything could be organized and in its proper place. Not only will this help keep things organized but it will also keep things looking nice and neat.
Car Seat Shopping
Tonight my husband and I are running to Mason City. My mom is getting us a infant travel system as a baby gift and she called to let us know their are some on sale until Saturday. Tonight is the only night that we are able to get a way to go and check them out. I had one all picked out until my sister-in-law informed me that it could not be strapped into a car with just a seat belt, you have to have a base for it. This is very inconvenient when someone else needs to pick up the baby. Hopefully tonight we can find one that we like.
Crabby Daughter
Everyone has told me that today Alli has had a really good day. She was happy all day in school and even after school when she got home. To bad when I got home she started with her crabby mood. I think when mom gets home all she sees is food. She knows that I usually make supper the minute I walk in the door so she is upset until the food is on the table. On a really bad night, like tonight, she is just like a magnet and will not stay out of the kitchen. I swear she is a bottomless pit. You wouldn't know that by looking at her thou.
Samsung Refrigerators
Are you in the market for a new major appliance? Are you looking for the best deal you can find and then someone who will be able to tell you where to find that great bargain? This is the time of year when appliance start to need replacing because of all the hard work they put in over the long hot summer. One website you may want to check out is Krillion. When searching for products like Samsung Refrigerators they can give the exact information you are looking for, including where to go to purchase the product you have been looking for. Not only does Krillion search for refrigerators but also other major appliances such as washer and dryers, dishwashers, stove/ovens, seasonal appliances, TV’s, and much, much more. Look them up today and see what they have to offer you.
I went to the chiropractor tonight. That was a well needed adjustment after this weekend. My left hip was way off and so was my neck. I always feel so much better after having an adjustment. Today while on my walk I could feel my lower back swaying back and forth. Dr. John says that's normal with pregnancy because of the hormone issue. I hope I feel better for a little while now.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Tonight we had tacos for supper. I think this is one of the easiest meals to make when you are short on time. I know at my house it is a favorite. Everyone has their own special way when it comes to the toppings that are used. Cheese, green olives, and onions are the house favorite. My son prefers hard shell tacos while the rest of like soft shell tacos. Clean up is easy also, one pan and paper plates. It doesn't get any better than that.
Free Gifts
When it comes to fun and games, the best kind of winning is when the prizes are out of this world amazing. You now can go online daily and play games to win free gifts. Prizes range from computers, cars, HDTV’s, and much, much more. All you have to do is be the lowest unique bid and the prize is yours. The most amazing thing of all is you don’t have to pay your bid price, you win by being the most unique, lowest bid and the prize is yours free. You can also enter sweepstakes and you could a win cash prize just by participating. If this sounds like fun to you check them out today.
Tonight my 12 year old son Cole had another football game. This will be his first game where he has to play in the rain. When I called his dad to see how the game was going it didn't sound to good. They were losing 14-0. Usually the other team hasn't scored against them. I am thinking they don't like playing in the rain. I wonder how muddy he will be when he gets home. Hopefully he won't be in to bad of a mood. But than again, maybe they had a streak of good luck and they will turn the game around for a win.
Diamond Plate Cabinets
Are you in the market for new storage cabinets for your garage and are you also looking for a way to give your garage that extra added pizzazz. If so diamond plate cabinets pay just be the thing for you. By going online and visiting you are able to order just what you are looking for pre-installed. When your cabinets arrive all that needs to be done is to place it in your garage and they are ready to use.
Rainy Day
It is another rainy day here in Iowa. I bet the farmers are not liking this weather now that it is harvest time. I don't really think there are a whole lot of crops out of the fields yet. All this rain is going to make a muddy mess. We are waiting for our gravel road to be blacked topped. The prep work is just about complete but it sure is a pain to drive on all this mud. Can't wait for the road work to be done.
Garage Storage Cabinets
My husband is a self-employed contractor. Our garage is where all the tools are stored for his business. Aluminum cabinets are the garage storage cabinets of choice for my husband. He has a lot of heavy equipment and tools. These cabinets are very attractive and very durable. One website to visit when searching for storage cabinets is They carry over 1,000 product to help make your garage the most organized it can be. Check them out today for all your storage needs.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Infant Car Seats
I am on the hunt for an infant car seat. Not only am I looking for a great deal but I want to find that great deal with exactly the specifications I want. I thought I found the travel system that was perfect until I talked to my sister-in-law last night. She said she loved the stroller but didn't care for the infant seat. There is no way to strap it into the car without a base. Very inconvenient if anyone else is to pick baby up. I guess this means I will be looking for a new travel system.
When planning a spa holiday or weekend breaks the best place to visit is they are the leading UK travel company who offer great packages to their travelers. You can find cheap flights, hotels, car hires, and much more just by checking out their website. If you are looking for a romantic holiday to Rome, Venice, Paris, or Prague this is the place for you. To see what great benefits they can do for you, pick up the phone and call one of their helpful and knowledgeable travel consultants who will have you on the holiday of your dreams in no time.
Having three children and a fourth one on the way I am trying to find the best deal I can on a new camcorder. The one that we have is about 13 years old and doesn't work anymore. I am wanting one that is smaller and records on to a small DVD. I would like to do more taping of football games, basketball games, concerts, and other special moments like recording the new babies arrival. I am not up to par when it comes to these types of electronics so I will need to do more research before we purchase a new one.
Getting Ready
This weekend my daughter's bedroom was painted. She really loves her room now with the new paint colors. After painting we had to rearrange her bedroom to make room for the new babies crib. Becca has decided she wants to share her room with the baby. To make enough room we had to trade dressers with her older brother. I am kinda glad we did the extra work of trading dressers because I was able to go thru their clothes and get rid of what doesn't fit anymore or clothes they just don't want to wear. Now that her room is done and how we want it I can start moving the baby items we have upstairs to be put away until our little bundle of joy arrives.
Direct Marketing
Martin Worldwide is one of the leaders in the direct marketing industry. They are most known for their success with their ResponseCom, which was ground breaking for combining U.S. response and U.S. consumer databases. By using ResponseCom direct mailers are able to identify prospects that would best suit their products and Sales Leads. In doing this companies are able to increase profit, locate new business opportunities, and as a result have higher response rates from their direct mailings. Martin Worldwide is only one of the major companies to guarantee their data integrity in writing, which is why they have a database of over 290 million consumers and 14 million U.S. businesses.
The leaves are really starting to fall off the trees. No longer can we see the beautiful green grass that only means summer as the leaves are covering the ground. The faster the leaves fall off the trees, the closer we are getting to the long cold winter. I can only hope that we will have a mild winter with very little snow. Last March we had record snow levels in one storm. I sure hope we don't experience that again this winter. I guess I will have to enjoy the nice fall we are having and hope it stays around longer which will only make winter that much shorter.
Downs Syndrome
This weekend it was so fun to see everyone. I really enjoyed watching my niece, Gracie Jayne, She is about 19 months old now. She is such an inspiration. She was born with a whole in her heart, which she had fixed with surgery one year ago, but she also has Downs Syndrome. What this little girl has over come in her life is nothing short of remarkable. I love to watch all the progress she makes. Every time I see her she is doing one more thing. I almost wonder if the next time I see her if she won't be walking. She is almost there. Walking around furniture and pushing a toy as she walks behind it. Jen and Lance will really have their hands full when she finally gets her leg strength. I have a feeling she will be exploring much more.
One of the most well known family vacation spots is Orlando, FL. This is the one place that almost every kid, young or old, wants to visit at least once in their lifetime. Researching hotel packages, car rentals, and flights into the Orlando area has become easier just by visiting Here you can find the most affordable prices on a wide variety of hotels for every budget. They also have a travel guide which offers lots of tips when it comes to nightlife, entertainment, and much more. Visit them today and book your orlando hotel reservations for the vacation that you and your family having been dreaming of.
Baby Movements
I was starting to get concerned that my baby wasn't moving as much as my doctor would like, however over the past 5 days I have felt some movement thru out the day, and a lot of movement around 8:00 at night. I think the best thing about being pregnant is feeling that little life inside of you getting stronger and stronger, kicking his mommy letting her know that he is growing everyday. I love lying in bed at night and waiting for those little kicks and feeling the love that is growing inside.
Brett Farve
Yesterday my husband had to watch the Minnesota Vikings play the Green Bay Packers. When my son Cole asked him which team he was voting for to win, my husbands response was he was only watching to see Brett Farve break the record for all time touchdown passes thrown. I guess it was pretty exciting watching history being made in the NFL by Brett Farve surpassing Dan Marino. I bet my Uncle Ron was in Green Bay Packers heaven as this is his all time favorite NFL team. I don't remember him liking any other team. He has stuck with them thru the good and the really ugly.
Home Medical
When your health makes it impossible to leave your home there is comfort in knowing that there is an online company who specializes in home medical needs. Allegro Medical was established in 1996 and has grown to over 1,000,000 customers. They are one of the largest online retail companies for medical equipment and health care supplies. One nice feature is you can take advantage of their automatic re-order program for those health issues like diabetes where monthly supplies are needed to keep track of blood sugars. They also offer services for maternity, children, exercise equipment, and many other products and services. Visit Allegro Medical today to see what they can do for you.
Lacresent Minnesota
My sister-in-law called us last night to invite us to go visit them this Sunday. It is Joey's 12th birthday on Friday. I enjoy visiting them. They live in Lacresent, MN, which is just across the river for Lacrosse, WI. It is such a pretty little town. They live in the bluffs so they have an awesome view. We like to visit the apple orchards when we go. Apples are so yummy whenever we have purchased them. The orchards always have such neat things to look at also.
Teeth Cleaning
I just had my 6 month check up at my dentist. What a great feeling it is to have your teeth cleaned. I always feel like running my tongue over my teeth because they just feel so clean. Can't say I like the polish they use, it is pretty gritty and I seem to crunch on it for a few hours afterwards. Oh well it is worth it just to have the clean fresh feeling.
There is nothing better than taking that overdue vacation and relaxing on beaches made of white sand. The only other thing that could top that would be going to an all inclusive hotel which specializes in the well being of the traveler who has seen it all. By going some place where you can dine on gourmet foods, be pampered by all your surroundings, and enjoy specialized touches in every aspect of your Cancun Vacation is what you will experience when staying at Karisma Hotels while enjoying the vacation of your dreams. The extra little things they do will only enhance your time spent with them.
Baby Boy
It was so fun to go to the hospital the other night to see my friends new baby boy. Ken and Rhondele have waited so long for a child of their own and I am so excited for them. Their little one weighed in at 9lbs 8oz. and is 21 inches long. I sure hope that he is a content baby for them and will break them easy as they are first time parents. They will go home soon and it will be quite and experience for them once they are all alone, just the three of them. I have great faith that they will all do just fine.
Field Trip
Today my daughter, who is in the second grade, went on her first field trip of the year. I think she is a little tired from walking all day and from being outside most of the day. She went to Lime Creek. They walked on the trails and went thru their exhibits. She really enjoyed going and missing out on sitting in school all day. I am really glad that they had such a beautiful day to go. I know she is looking forward to more field trips this year.
Vending Machines
The perfect way to provide for your family is to achieve the American dream by owning your own business, setting your own hours, and making lots of money doing it. One company that can help achieve that goal is multivend. This company was started in 1990 and now has more than 9,000 members. This is a company that specializes in bulk vending machines, which means a 100% cash business for you, with an 80% profit. This reliable company has been worldwide since 2003, which only means dependability for anyone interested in starting a vending machine business. They recently have started to add new products to their line, so check them out today.
Aunt Tracie
Yes, I am so excited, my sister is having her second child. She came home this weeked and announced that they were adding to their family. I am so happy for them as they have been trying for a long time to have their second baby. When I first found out I was pregnant with my fourth child, Trisha was letting the family know that she had just had a miscarriage. I was really scared to tell her I was pregnant because we would have been due five days apart. Now we will be due exactly four months and one day apart. I just can't wait. It will be so much fun.
I am 23 weeks pregnant, my husband and I have made the choice not to vaccinate our precious little baby. We have a 10 year old daughter, whose name is Alli, whom we feel is Autistic due to vaccine injury. We have not given her or our other two children their boosters because we feel they are not safe. This is such a controversial subject. I don't understand why the medical community and people who are not as knowledgeable on the subject have to be so against people who make the decision not to vaccinate. Why can't they just look at both sides and understand where people like my family are coming from. I know they may feel vaccines are safe for their children, but if they were to be put in my situation, maybe they would feel different about what they are injecting into their children. If people were more aware of what ingredients are in vaccines, than maybe they would think twice, just as we have.
Monex Deposit Company
With the price of precious metals on the rise it is the perfect time to start purchasing silver and gold. With prices on the rise this is one great way to invest in your future. The Menox Deposit Company has been America’s precious metal investment leader for over 30 years. Right now world demand for silver is at an all time high. Supply is shrinking, which means demand is and will be high for a long time to come, this is why right now is the perfect time to invest in precious metals. Not only is silver a great investment at this time so is the purchasing of gold bars. There is almost no greater way to preserve ones wealth than investing in silver, gold, and other precious metals. Check out Menox Deposit Company today and they can ship you purchases directly to you or an independent bank or depository of your choice.
This weekend the Conrad family was to get together with the Nelson family to help paint the outside of their house before the snow flies. Needless to say that that didn't get done because of the rain. My mom called me with a nice surprise thou and told me that her and Jan would be over to paint my daughter's bedroom. I am 23 weeks pregnant and my mom didn't want me around the fresh paint. How sweet of her. Becca has chosen to paint two of her walls green and two of her walls pink. I was a little worried how this would look, but once we put everything back in her room the colors matched her comforter perfectly. Maybe I have a little interior designer on my hands. We never know what they will grow up to be.
Pumpkin Patch
My 7 year old daughter Becca couldn't wait to go to the pumpkin patch on Saturday. There is one right across the road from where we live. We live on a gravel road, it rained most of the morning and a little bit in the afternoon, with all the travel our road was on big muddy trail. Any way, Becca and I decided to walk over to see what the pumpkin patch had to offer and ended up with 5 pumpkins. One for Hudson, one for Gracie, and one for Cole, Alli, and Becca. They should all have fun decorating their pumpkins for Halloween.
Credit Cards
If you are in the market to apply for your first Credit Card or are looking for a new credit card company to better fit your needs I have the perfect website for you. This is the place to go for comparing all major companies from Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, and American Express. They also compare major U.S. leading issuers like J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, and Citibank. Another great feature is this website allows you to search for any type of service you are looking for from low interest credit cards to reward cards. If your credit rating is average or not so good they have cards for that also, which is a great way to start building up your good credit again. Check them out today for all your credit needs.
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