Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Allergic Reaction

Sunday night my son Cole, who is 13 years old, came to John and I because of some bumps on his legs. He told us he noticed them about a week before he decided to tell us. The only reason he has now decided we should know is that they were starting to itch and spread. Yesterday I finally got him in to see his doctor and he was diagnosed with having an allergic reaction to something. His doctor, Dr. Shaik, prescribed a antihistamine and a cream to help with the itching and to keep it from spreading any further. The bumps, which are almost like blisters are for now just on his legs. This made his dad and I wonder if he got into some kind of Poison Ivy or Poison Oak. He has told us that he hasn't been in any weeds so he didn't think this was a possibility. As of right now it's just a guessing game to what the reaction is from. I sure hope it goes away and stays away.

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