Thursday, August 30, 2007
Iowa State Football Tickets
My husband called me at work the other day to let me know he won four tickets to the Iowa State Football game scheduled for later in the week. He won the tickets by calling into our local radio station. So John and three of his buddies will head down to the game. Funny thing is they are U of I fans and would rather watch the Hawkeyes play. This household is definitely black and gold fans vs. red and gold fans. Since they are not playing the hawks he would like to see Iowa State win.
Alzheimer's Memory Walk
There are many important causes in the world in need of research and our support. Everyone has had an experience in their lifetime that gives them a want and a desire to support what is nearest and dearest to their hearts. I have worked in a dental office as a front desk coordinator for the past 7 years and since that time I have seen some of our patients decline in their health due to Alzheimer's. Vicky, one of the gals I work with, is seeing this disease first hand, her mother-in-law is currently dealing with Alzheimer's and is now residing in a nursing home. It is really hard to watch someone you don't know suffer from this disease, let alone watch someone you love suffer from this and there is almost nothing you can do to help stop the progression. Although I sometimes have to wonder if their is something we can do to help and I have found that one way is to help sponsor a friend whom may be a walker in an Alzheimer's Memory Walk. Going online I have found that there is a memory walk on October 27, 2007 in a near by town 25 miles away and I plan on supporting a local family who will be participating in that walk.
If you feel like sponsoring one walker is just not enough to support the cause you can always become a team captain, this can be done anywhere nationwide. To register as a captain is easy. All you need to do is recruit at least nine friends and family members, as soon as you can, to walk with you as a team, set your goals, get excited, spread your enthusiasm, and create a team logo with a fun t-shirt and banner to help spread the word. Once you have your team established you will register online where you are able to take advantage of the online fundraising tools. One requirement is for each member of your team to raise at least $200 and more if they are able. By asking one person each day that goal is very attainable. What better way to support something that could happen to anyone we love at anytime, including ourselves, then donating our time to help fund the research we may need later in our lives.

If you feel like sponsoring one walker is just not enough to support the cause you can always become a team captain, this can be done anywhere nationwide. To register as a captain is easy. All you need to do is recruit at least nine friends and family members, as soon as you can, to walk with you as a team, set your goals, get excited, spread your enthusiasm, and create a team logo with a fun t-shirt and banner to help spread the word. Once you have your team established you will register online where you are able to take advantage of the online fundraising tools. One requirement is for each member of your team to raise at least $200 and more if they are able. By asking one person each day that goal is very attainable. What better way to support something that could happen to anyone we love at anytime, including ourselves, then donating our time to help fund the research we may need later in our lives.
Boy or Girl
Today is the day when my husband and I find out if we are having a boy or girl. It really doesn't matter to me which one as long as it is a healthy baby. However, my husband is really wanting a boy to even out the score a little bit. We already have one boy who is 12 and we also have to daughters so he thinks it's only fair to have another boy. Deep down thou I don't think he really cares either. He loves all his children the same. Hopefully there won't be to many disappointed people in the family tonight once everyone knows. My son wants a boy and my youngest daughter wants a girl. I know whoever get there way will rub it in terribly to whoever doesn't get what they want. Oh well we love this baby no matter boy or girl.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Thank You
Most of the time when you hear of things that sound to good to be true, they usually are. When I was told about blogging and was explained what it was and what it entailed I had a hard time believing it until I saw with my own eyes what it could do for me. I just really want to thank the people who helped me get started with blogging. I really appreciate that they are willing to spend the time to help me with the the things I am not quite sure of. I am so thankful that they were willing to share their knowledge and information with me so that I too could reap the rewards you get from having a blog. Thanks again to Jenna, Vicky and the Sankey Family for helping me to get started. This just may be one of those things that can be to good and can also be true.
Halloween The Movie
The best scary movies have always and should always add a bit of tension to your life the short while you are watching them. The best type of scary movies to watch are the ones that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat the entire time you are watching them and will have you leaving your fingernail marks in your chair or better yet the leg of whomever you decide to see the movie with. I would expect nothing less from Halloween the movie coming out on August 31, 2007, then the best nail biting, edge of your seat experience only to be had by the direction of Rob Zombie. The suspense of watching the unsuspecting victims, and them not knowing what is hiding in the dark, watching and waiting for them, is so heart stopping it will be exactly what your are looking for in the ultimate scary movie. The realisticness of what is to be seen during this movie will only add to the terror and pure evil you will experience while watching Michael Myers. I wouldn't call Michael Myers a legend but when anyone hears the name Michael Myers, no matter what, you always think of this one character and wonder why some parents would put that curse on their child when they give them that name. Rob Zombie does an excellent job of updating this old time favorite and bringing it up to the modern day times. While watching the trailer of the Rob Zombie movie, Halloween the movie, it takes me back in time to my favorite all time scary movie, the Freddie Kruger movies, Nightmare On Elm Street. The darkness they both hide in, the masks both character wear, and the claws or the knife they both use and are known for, all leaves me with a sour stomache when I am done watching them. I have a feeling no matter which of these movies you watch you won't be getting much sleep that night. To check out a preview of this movie before it comes to theatres please check out the trailer below. "this is a paid post" 
The best tomatoes in the world come from my grandpa's garden. Even as a child I have always loved tomatoes. However, I cannot eat a tomato from the grocery store or at a restaurant when they put them on my sandwich. My reasoning for this is because they cannot be a real tomato. They don't even taste like a tomato or look like a tomato. Since my grandpa has been bringing me lots of tomatoes I have been eating them for snacks, on salads, sandwiches, and anything else I can think of. I just have to eat them while they are here because soon winter will come and it will be along time before I will get straight from the garden tomatoes.
Flights to New York
Everyone one needs to take the time to plan a getaway. The best way to plan for a weekend vacation is by booking cheap flights so you can have more cash in your pocket for the things you want to do when you get to your destination. One cheap flight you can book are flights to New York. What better city to spend your extra cash in, with broadway shows, nice restaurants, all the tourist spots such as Staton Island with the Statue of Liberty, and all the places you hear about like Manhattan and Brooklyn. With DialAFlight you can also see the big city and be able to purchase start or end your trip with LaGuardia flights, JFK flights, and Newark flights. Imagine having holidays to New York and also being able to fly into these major airports at reasonable rates. It would be so much fun to see Time Square all lit up and shop in all the fun department stores at Christmas time and not have to worry about how much your dream vacation will cost. Also when you purchase your holiday package thru DialAFlight you can also reserve your hotel and car rental all with on convenient phone call. What better way to plan a vacation getaway to New York. "this is a paid post"
Janet Evanovich
About 2 years ago I was introduced to Janet Evanovich books by my sister Trisha. The Stephanie Plum series are hularious. Stephanie Plum is a so called private investagator. Right now there are 13 books in the Stephanie Plum series and everyone of them have made me laugh so hard. The best thing about these books is that they are not too serious. You can pick up this book, read and just go some place that will take your mind off the everyday stresses of life in general. I hope Janet Evanovich keeps writing this series because I look forward to each and every book that she releases in this series. I just cannot believe how someone can think up such funny situations. What an imagination this woman must have.
Improve Your Smile
What better way to help with ones self confidence then having that perfect smile to go along with that perfect personality. Sometimes getting that perfect smile is as easy as zoom whitening to give yourself the bright white smile you've been dreaming of. Sometimes it's not always as simple as whitening your teeth, so if a straighter smile is what's needed using Invisalign invisible braces may be just what is needed. By using Invisalign invisible braces most people won't even know you have braces. San Diego dentist is one place you can go to answer any questions you may have when it comes to making your smile the best it can be, from dental implants, porcelain crowns, onlays, inlays, and recontouring. "this is a paid post"
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I am almost 18 weeks pregnant. Next week I will have an ultrasound to make sure everything is ok. I have one daughter who is Autistic and one niece who has Downs Syndrome. Even if there is something wrong we will still love this baby just as much as we do Alli and Gracie. Knowing ahead of time won't change anything. My husband and I are trying to decide if we want to know what the sex of the baby is. On one had it would be nice to be prepared and have everything ready, but on the other I like the surprise at the end just like I did with my other three children. If we do find out the sex we still may keep it a secret from everyone because they already know what name we have picked out. Oh boy would it be hard to keep that secret.
Lift Chairs
Seeing my grandparents age is something I really don't like to observe and if there is anything I can do to make that process easier for them I would do it. US Medical Supplies is one of the best websites to visit when looking for medical supplies for the elderly or disabled. They are one of the largest distributors of discounted items of mobility products. Some name brand companies they work with are Pride Mobility, Golden Technologies, AmeriGlide, and many other companies. They sell things from mobility scooters, ramps, stair lifts, and many other products including their newest addition of lift chairs. To see what products are available for you please check them out. "this is a paid post"
Monday, August 27, 2007
Baby Gear
I am pregnant with baby number four. My oldest is 12 and my youngest will be 8 when baby finally arrives. Lately I have been doing some window shopping to see what baby supplies are available. I just cannot believe in eight years how things have changed and improved since the first time around. Of course we thought we were finished having children so I gave away most of our baby supplies so here we are starting over with brand new things again. With the advance in technology there is also a jump in price. It sure is fun to do all this shopping a looking again.
Sensitive Skin
I am someone who has to worry about the products I use on my face. It seems that I have very sensitive skin. I try to use different products to help with my breakouts, but sometimes it only seems to make it worse. I am very interested in using a Face Wash product that is all natural and recommended by dermatologists. This product has mostly been used in Japan, however it is starting to become very popular in the United States also. Arouge Face Wash requires no rubbing which causes less irritation as it gently removes impurities from your skin, this sounds like just what my skin needs. Most facial cleansers are made with alcohol, fragrances, coloring, and astringents. The previous mentioned ingredients all add up to dry skin
which can cause damage in the long run. Using products made by Arouge only sounds like a win win situation to help make your face look young and healthy by using only all natural ingredients. "this is a paid post"
which can cause damage in the long run. Using products made by Arouge only sounds like a win win situation to help make your face look young and healthy by using only all natural ingredients. "this is a paid post"
Friday, August 24, 2007
Cell Phones
For about the last month my husband and I have been debating weather or not our 12 year old son needs a cell phone. We came to the conclusion that it would be a good idea so that he could call us after football, basketball, and baseball practices. Also we thought it would be a good way to keep really close tabs on him. It really does make me nervous thou. I have heard to many horror stories about kids running up minutes and causing large phone bills. I sure hope Cole heard our warnings because I do not want to be stuck with a large cell phone bill. I also couldn't believe the prices to buy a new phone. The phones in the store were so expensive compared to the exact same phones I could order direct from the company for $.99. To buy the same phone at the store it would have cost around $100.00. It sure does pay off to do some investigating before purchasing a new cell phone.
Sometimes all a child needs to learn is someone who believes in them and is willing to help them along the way. That's why at Score Educational Centers using an Innovative Tutor is an excellent way to build your child's self esteem when it comes to learning. What more can a child ask for when they have someone right by their side guiding them and giving them the techniques they will need for a lifetime of learning. Any child who receives tutoring services are putting themselves in the right direction for a lifetime of learning and always being able to use the skills they have acquired. "this is a paid post"
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Corn Burner
Last winter my husband and I purchased a corn burner. We thought this would be a good way to save money on the cost of LP for our furnace. Each year the price just seems to sky rocket. Our only problem was that the corn burner did not work very well and the computer on it kept malfunctioning. Today the supplier came to our home to replace the computer. I sure hope this will heat our house this winter like he said it should. My father-in-law is a farmer so we are able to get corn from him rather cheap. I am looking forward to not such a large heating bill.
Reading Skills
Reading is a very important part of everyday life. If a child doesn't learn to read at a young age and continue to grow each and every day in the words they learn it is very hard for them to stay on top of things. My second grade daughter was told by her teacher that she needs to do at least ten minutes of reading each and every night and my son who is in 7th grade has to do at least 2 hours each week of reading as part of his language arts grade. I am sure glad in elementary school they each saw or are seeing Reading Tutors because it can only and has only made they able to excel in the reading ability. What confidence I see in them when they finally get those words they don't know to click and how much better they feel about themselves when they understanding what they are reading. "this is a paid post"
Jen's Been Evicted
As much as I have wanted to see Jen get evicted from the Big Brother house since the season has started I really didn't want to see her go this week. It's not that I wanted to see Jameka go either but I would love to see a couple other house guests go before Jen left. Evil Dick is really starting to tick me off. I know his idea is to just get under every one's sick but he just doesn't need to be as mean when he is doing this. So yes. I would like to see E.D. go. Also I would have loved to see Amber go this week also. She really needs to grow up and stop crying. I bet her daughter cries less than she does. Come one Amber if you are going to stay in the Big Brother House grow up cuz I am tired of watching all your tears. I guess strategies would be to leave E.D. in the house because I really don't think anyone wants to see him win the money. But then again, maybe Daniele and E.D. have a deal to share the dough so to take him to the final to would probably be the best move of all.
Business Loans
Starting your own business can be a very difficult process. Not only do you have to talk to multiple banks about getting a loan, you had better have great ideas down on paper when pitching your ideas. This process can be very time consuming and sometimes very frustrating. Advance Restaurant Finance is one place you can go to help you obtain your dreams of starting your own business, particularly those who want to start something in retail or the restaurant business. If you are a small to medium size merchant looking for a short term, working capital loan, this could very well be the place you need to visit. Even if you have less then perfect credit they are more than willing to work with you. They have some of the most competitive rates, easy application process, and you are able to receive your funds quickly. What more could you ask for when trying to make your dreams come true. "this is a paid post"
Tragic Accident
Yesterday while at work we received a phone call telling us that a former employees son had passed away from a terrible tragic accident. Last night I had such a hard time sleeping because of this very sad loss. To Mary and her family I just want to let you know that my family and I are keeping you in our prayers. I think of you often and I only hope that time and the Lord will ease your pain. I have no words to say that will take away your sorrow. The Lord be with you and your family. Again we are all praying for you.
Learning Center
This is the time of year when kids start going back to school and frustrations may start to show with some students who may not be as advanced as other peers in their same grade. Math Tutors are one way to help those kids who may need some positive support and a little extra help to keep them heading in the right directions and enable them to catch up with their peers. "this is a paid post"
My daughter Becca is fascinated with the four new baby kittens she has found out in our shed. There are two snow white ones with a black dot on the middle of their heads. Then there are two gray ones with white paws. They are so cute but they need to stay outside. Becca keeps bringing them in the house because she thinks their mommy cat is not taking care of them. I am glad she is having so much fun with them, but I really need to convince her that their mommy is taking care of her kittens so she needs to leave them where she can find them.
Personally seeing people go thru gastric by-pass surgery I know that it is a very invasive procedure with a hospital stay and some recovery time. Seeing advertisement for the lapband has peeked my interest on a safer way to achieve weight loss. Visiting Journey Lites website and seeing how this procedure works and if it is right for you was very interesting for me to read about. When doing the lapband it is the only reversible weight loss surgery available. This is less invasive then gastric bypass in that there is only a small incision in which a silastic band is placed around the upper portion of the stomach to create a smaller area, which helps to achieve the feeling of being full. I like how this procedure does not interfer with the bodies normal digestive process. "this is a paid post"
Monday, August 20, 2007
It has been a very rainy weekend. Since Friday we have gotten over seven inches of rain. My Sister-in-law and her family live in Lacresent MN and they have massive flooding there. My prayes are with the families of the people that were killed in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Oklahoma. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to have that much water around you and not beable to do anything about it. We have rain in our forcast until at least Friday. I hope it lets up where the flooding has been to give those areas time to clean up and get back to normal.
Fantasy Football
My husband and I have been married for almost 14 years now. In the first few years he was in a fantasy football league with friends from our area. They would compete to see who had more knowledge of the game and for the little bit of money that was to be won at the end of the season. Wow, have things changed since then. It is now a lot more exciting for those die hards. I really need to let my husband know how things have changed since he played and tell him to visit the American Fantasy Football League. The prizes you can win, the teams you can make. This is really the big time. I really think anyone who is a football fan like my husband would really like to set up their teams this way vs. the old fashion way of my husbands time. "this is a paid post"
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
7th Grade Football
Tonight I was talking to my son about what it will be like when the first day of school arrives, which also means the first official day of football practice. When I told him he would have practice every night except game nights and Wednesdays, because that was church night, his exact quote was "you've got to be kidding me". I told him he was no longer in the little leagues and he was going to find out what it really means to be in athletics. There will no longer be one night a week for practices of one hour but hard practices every night after school. Boy I think he is going to be in for a real shock and very sore for about the first week.
Autistic Daughter
My 10 year old daughter has autism. My husband and I feel she was not born with autism but developed autism after her vaccines. Alli is non-verbal which make communication with her very hard. She doesn't like to use her hands so trying to get her to use picture cards for communtication is very difficult. Lately her way of telling us she doesn't like something is to scream, a high pitched squeal, that can go on for minutes to hours depending on her mood. For the most part it is not a problem, however when it comes to bedtime it can be frustrating for her and for us. I am taking her to the doctor on friday to see if there is anything we can do for this new bedtime ritual she has started. Even thou she is very tired and ready for bed she just cannot wind down enough to go to sleep. Most nights she wants to lay down by her my her mommy, then daddy puts her to bed when she has finally fallen asleep. I am hoping on friday they can help us get Alli back to her normal bedtime routine of just going in her bed and falling asleep within minutes. If they can't give me any suggestions I am hoping when school starts she will just be so exhausted she will fall into bed at night.
Auto Insurance
I find searching for insurance coverage for cars a huge task. The time required to do this can be very overwhelming. One place to go when searching for better car insurance rates is to the website of Advantage Auto Quotes. The reason they are so good to work with is they will offer the lowest rates for the best driver on the road, to the person who has a poor driving record. Also as hard as it is to find a reasonable teen driver auto policy this website will do the work for you and have the most well known auto insurance companies competing for your business. What better way to search for any type of auto insurance then with a few easy clicks of your mouse and the quotes come to you in just a matter of time.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
School Conferences
I can't believe it's time for school to start already. On Thursday we are going to "pre" school conferences. Here they will learn what classes they have and who will be in their classroom. They can bring their supplies and get their desks and lockers ready for the first day. I would have to say my 7 year old is the most excited about school starting. We all love summer but sometimes they tend to get a little bit long and the kids start fighting more towards the end. In that regards maybe we all are looking forward to the first day of school.
I am really starting to have fun with blogging and now that I have been able to start making money doing it, it makes it all the more worthwhile. The latest place I have found that gives you the opportunity to blog about the things you love is at Anyone interested in a great way to earn some extra cash should really check them out. My family and I are expecting baby #4 this winter and this is a great way for me to help contribute some extra cash to our growing family. One thing that really grabbed my attention about blogsvertise is how they send opportunities directly to you thru your email. This is a great idea so you don't have to fight so hard to get your opportunities. What a great way to offer opportunities. Blogsvertise also lets you talk about your opportunities the way you want. So if you really like what you see talk it up, if you didn't like what you saw comment about that, whatever your opinion is is OK with them.
Baby Shower
This past weekend my daughter and I went to my good friends baby shower. What fun we had. She has having a baby boy which is due this fall. She received so many wonderful gifts from a baby swing, bouncer seat, high chair, pack-n-play, to clothes and bottles. I think she may now be set to have this little bisket. We cannot wait for her to have this little fellow so we can finally meet him and learn his name as they are keeping that a secret.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Today my 10 year old daughter who has Autism will be visiting the pedodontist. This is her least favorite place to go. But Dr. Todd is so good with her. I don't know how he does it. Every time we go he manages to get in her mouth and brush her teeth, see which ones she lost, and give her fluoride. I really like that he is so patient with her because believe me she will kick and scream thru the whole thing.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Utah Coal Miners
I have been following the news on the Utah Coal Miners and my prayers go out to the miners and their families. What a tragic thing to happen. With the events about if it is an earthquake or not and to still be having tremors which makes it more difficult to reach them is heartbreaking. I sure hope that it will not take as long to reach them as they are predicting. God Bless
Monday, August 6, 2007
Humid Weather
It sure has been humid the last few days. I have turned off the A/C in hopes of saving a little on the electric bill so I am glad the temps have been lower. I keep wondering why everything has to be so expensive. I was sure glad to see the rain however as not only the crops needed it but also my gravel road.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Family Wedding
Tomorrow we leave for the weekend to go to my cousins wedding. He is getting married on our grandmothers 79th birthday. Boy did that make her day when she found that out. My son Cole has a small role in the wedding by handing out the programs. I cannot wait to see what he will look like all dressed up, he has to wear a tie. He is going to look so handsome. My husbands sister is also home so we are meeting my in-laws for supper later to visit with them since we will be gone for the weekend. It will be nice to see Carrie and Eric again. It has been awhile since they live so far away.
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