Friday, September 28, 2007
Hannah Montana
My 7 year old daughter just loves Hannah Montana. I also think this show is very cute and I don't mind watching it with her. The music she sings is also not to bad. I like that she is such a good role model for the kids that watch her show. It is so funny to see her dad Billy Ray Cyrus on the show. He looks so different for his Achy Breaky Heart days. I would have to say his look has improved. I hope Hannah Montana stays around for awhile because it is such a neat show.
File Sharing
For anyone who totally understands the in's and out's of computers and all they can do for you, or for those who don't really understand the concept of computers or emails and attachments I have the website for you. is the place to go for all your uploading and sharing of files you may need. Here you are able to store file or folders up to 500MB in size with just the click of a mouse right from your desktop or via the browser application. This is a great way for anyone who is into file sharing with family and friends. What is so great about this website is that they offer up to 2GB free storage space. They also have new enhancements which includes faster uploads via a desktop plugin and widgets for file/folder sharing. For anyone looking to overcome the limitations imposed by email systems when sending attachments, Driveway is the way to go and one great feature is you’re able to send files easily. Collaboration features include direct editing of data stored on driveway which is accessed via a browser using standard Microsoft office application, which is also a great tool. What better way to share information with friends and family then file sharing using

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Coming Home
Friday my sister and her husband are coming home for the weekend and of course they are bring Hudson with them. It is so fun to see all the grandchildren together. We are getting together with the Nelson's again this weekend to help paint their house. I sure hope the weather holds out for us because it sounds like it is going to rain all weekend long. If that happens I don't think they will get their house painted like they want. Also their is a pumpkin patch just across the road from our house that will be opened this weekend. It will be fun for all the kids to go and pick out their pumpkins for Halloween. They will also have alot of fall crafts that should be fun to look at.
Digital Scales
Now days it seems most of us are obsessed with our weight, hopefully so we can live a more healthy lifestyle. When it comes to our bodies we all want to know how much we weigh, so if your like me you step on some type of a bathroom scales at least three to four times per week, just to make sure we haven't gained an ounce. In order to lose weight or to keep us the size we are, a kitchen scale is a plus to make sure we are not eating to large of helpings. Visiting a website like can help you to achieve your goal. They sell MyWeigh digital scales which are economical, reliable, and have a lifetime warranty in the U.S. Not only do they have bathroom and kitchen scales but they also carry a wide variety of other scales. Check them out today and see what they have for you.
Fall Weather
Today was one of the most gorgeous days I think we have had all year. Even though fall is here and winter is on the way today was a day to enjoy. This morining started out a little on the cooler side, but by this afternoon the temps warmed up to around 70 degrees, with very little wind. My daughter Becca had church tonight and they made it a family night with hayrides, grilling hotdogs on an open fire, made smores, and played lots of outside games. She had lots of fun. I hope we will have more days like this before the wind, rains, and finally snow starts to come.
Hotel Reservations
For anyone who is wanting to travel anywhere in the world or just to your favorite college football game I recommend visiting one great website where all your travel arrangements can be made with the most competitive pricing. If you are planning the vacation of your dreams or just a weekend getaway this is the place for you. If you are looking to make Hotel Reservations for one night or for a long vacation away they can help you. If you are looking at taking your family on a cruise to the Caribbean, or maybe you want to go to Orlando and visit Disneyworld, this would be the place for one stop shopping when planning that perfect trip. All you have to do while visiting this website is have your dates ready, the destination you have in mind, and the type of accommodations you are looking for. Once you have this information simply type it into the correct location on the website and they will search for the best deals for you. They will give you different price ranges so that you may choose from many different hotels in the area you are visiting. As soon as you have found everything you are looking for all you need to do is book it. It's that easy. If you are unsure about anything and need to talk to someone before you decide to actually book your dream vacation all that needs to be done is to call them on their 800 number, which is very easy to find on their website. Just pick up the phone, call them, and they will help with any questions you may have. If this sounds as good to you as it does to me go to and check them out and see what you think about them. You just may book that vacation you have been dreaming of at a cost you were also dreaming about.
Yesterday my 12 year old son made his first touchdown of his 7th grade football career. I am so happy for him because he is so excited, the only bad thing about his great catch is that I was on my way to the game when it happened. Walking thru the bleachers I was told by many parents about his great catch. All night long my son playfully joked with me that I, his only mother, missed his first ever touchdown for tackle football. Sure wish I could have seen it, but I know there will be many more touchdowns to see in the future.
For anyone who is looking for a way to get their voices heard when it comes to the search engines they use, then Sproose is the place for you. click here to try sproose and see, once you vote how the search engine is instantly refreshed which helps create improved results. The more people who vote the better for that site. You are also able to share voted site history which enables users to connect other users with similar interests.

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Baby Movements
Today was the first day since last week that I have felt my baby move. I am about 21 weeks pregnant. I think this is the most fun part about being pregnant, when the baby starts moving and you realize what your body is going through is really for what's moving around inside of you. The baby moving is such a neat feeling and I can't wait for him/her to kick hard enough for my other children to feel, as they are really excited about their new little brother or sister.
Yesterday was city wide garage sales in my home town. Bobbi one of the ladies I work with and I decided we would each take about a 1/2 hour and go to this particular sale. I went first and picked up a few winter items for my daughters. When I came back to work I told her I didn't think there was much there for her granddaughters, but if she still wanted to go and check it out that was fine by me. I think it is so funny that what one person's opinion of junk is another's treasure. The first thing I see when she walks down the hall is a lampshade, which was a checker board with a matching base. To me it looked like junk and should have not even been sold at the sale, but it was Worth gold to her. I'm glad she decided to go to that garage sale so she could find that treasure.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Walking During Pregnancy
For the past 3 weeks I have been trying to walk at least 3 times per week. I am half way thru my pregnancy now and walking is starting to become more difficult. It's not as easy to just go out a walk a mile or two. My lower abdominal muscles sure pull while walking and I get out of breath much faster than normal. I sure home it gets easier to walk the more I do it. I know this will only help when it is time to deliver, but also when it comes to putting on weight and maybe, just maybe I won't have gestational diabetes with this pregnancy. We can only hope.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
O. J. Simpson
I am really tired of hearing about O.J. Simpson in the news. My personally opinion of him is not very high. I really believe he murdered his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her boyfriend Ron Goldman. Ever since he was acquitted of this terrible crime he thinks he can get away with anything (even murder), which when he finally meets his maker he will regret. I am so glad that the police in Las Vegas are taking what has happened in that hotel room seriously and will hopefully be able to knock him off his high horse so that he may finally get what he deserves. I can only hope this will make him stop bulling people around and maybe knock that arrogant smile off his face. Lets hope this case makes it to trial and this jury will do the right thing and put him behind bars where he really belongs.
Home Improvement
One of the greatest things about owning your own home is being able to personalize it by showing off your unique way of decorating. The best way to make your decorating dreams come true is by contacting Anglian Products, a leading UK home improvements company. the easiest way to start any home makeover is by adding a coat of paint to freshen things up and by Double glazing with paint you can give it a little more character then just painting alone. Whether it is a large project you are undertaking or a small home project, like adding a coat of paint, you will know that you will be nothing less than 100% satisfied.
Monday, September 17, 2007
New Baby
Today my good friends husband called to let us know that their little boy finally arrived into the world yesterday. I am so happy for them as they have been waiting a long time to get their little bundle of joy. He weighs in at 9lbs 8oz. and is 21 inches long. What a big baby he is for being their first. I think we will go to the hospital and visit them tonight. It will be so much fun to see him. It only makes me want our little one to arrive even faster.
Planning a dream vacation can be a very challenging time for anyone, especially if you are visiting someplace for the first time. The Trusted Places website is a great place to start when looking for area attractions to see while visiting exciting places like London. If you have never been to this city Trusted Places can help you to find things like London bars, restaurants, hotels, and much, much more. If you're looking for more of a tropical vacation, such as Cancun, which was a great vacation for me and my friends. We had a great time at the many night spots such as Senor Frogs and Hard Rock Cafe. This great website will help you plan places to visit while on the vacation of your dreams.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Utah Miners
It has been so long since I have heard anything on the news when it comes to the Utah Miners. When this accident first happened it was all over the news, it was all you heard about. Now, weeks later I have not heard whether or not they are still trying to recover bodies or are at least trying to find out where they are. I feel terrible for the families of these men, not knowing for sure if they could have been saved before the second colapse. I still pray for them and their families and I only hope that someday, someday soon they will have the answers they have been asking and praying for.
Thanksgiving Shopping
Christmas time is my favorite time of year. Time spent with family is the best part of the whole holiday season and of course the gifts that are shared. I always feel it is better to give than to receive. I love watching everyone to see look of joy on their faces at the presents that they receive. The best holiday shopping is always done the day after thanksgiving. This can also be the most stressful time to shop. Having to get up before the sun cracks over the horizon, rush to the stores to try and get the few sale items that are on the shelves, and then most of the time when you finally reach the desired item you are after you're one person short and end up not getting that special gift for your loved one. Check out thanksgiving deals online for that one time a year shopping extravaganza. What a great way to not fight the crowds and the stress of hoping you find that perfect gift for that special person. By going online and registering with your email they will send you black friday ads when they are available. You will be able to shop from the comfort of your home at stores like Old Navy. This sounds like the perfect way to shop to me. Staying home, getting the bargain prices without having to fight the crowds or the weather. For anyone interested in stress free shopping I recommend visiting this website and enrolling your email so you also can enjoy the black friday savings without leaving your home.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Weekend Getaway
What a great time we had this weekend in Okoboji. It was so much fun to catch up with everyone and spend time visiting without having to rush of to every day life. We were able to just sit, relax, and see how each others children have grown over the past year. We just don't get together with everyone enough. Sure I see my immediate family often it's just the close family friends that are harder to see thru out the year. I also really enjoyed spending quality time with my niece, nephew, and of course my children. I am already looking forward to next years trip.
Travel Guide
When you have planned your vacation and finally decided on the perfect location, such as Toronto, it is always a good idea to have done some research on the city before you go so that you can be prepared to visit all the latest hot spots for that special destination you have chosen. One great place to visit is Here you can find all the great Toronto restaurants you may want to try while visiting. What better way to find out exactly where you want to dine then making sure your have all the information from the Toronto dining guide that you need before your vacation even starts. You can find the latest Toronto Dining Guide by visiting this website also. This sounds way better then getting to your destination and not knowing where one should go to have a great dining experience. Once you have stuffed yourself with the best foods from this city and you have visited all the sites why not check out what Toronto's nightlife has to offer you. If you are one who likes to be prepared before you leave on vacation or someone who may like to fly by the seat of their pants but would like to get an idea of what Toronto has to offer, I would highly recommend you visit this site to help make your trip go as smooth as possible, so that you can have the most fun you possibly can.
Sleepless Nights
My 10 year old daughter is not wanting to sleep at night. Saturday night she was up at 4:00 AM. Wide awake and ready to go for the day. Sunday night she was awake at 3:00 AM wide awake and ready to start the day again. Monday night she was up at 12:15 AM and again ready to go for the rest of the day. Mom is tired and ready to sleep for the next 24 hours. My husband is trying to put her to bed right now but it doesn't sound like she is really wanting to go. I sure hope these sleepless nights come to an end soon.
Event Registration
When an important event comes along in our lives we may choose to call upon an event planner to help with that special occasion. We do this to make sure everything is perfect and goes as smoothly as possible. Having the knowledge that someone else is in charge and willing to take the stress away from us so that we may sit back, relax and enjoy that special occasion with a peaceful mind is worth the expense of hiring that ever important event planner. Knowing your event planner uses a special event registration software should also give us peace of mind. When they use you can feel assured that your personal information is in the safest hands possible. RegOnline has the highest PCI level 1 ranking. This is the highest ranking available from Visa and is the only registration company to have this honor. Having a Level 1 compliance means RegOnline has the highest possible encryption for credit card information, strongest control measures, regular testing and montoring of networks, and maintaining a vulnerability management program. Knowing that your event planner is using this program with the highest level of security is another great thing that will give you peace of mind when it comes to that important event you've been planning.

Monday, September 10, 2007
Senator Craig
This business about Senator Craig is really being taken to far. I was watching Anderson Cooper 360 the other night when someone called in with their opinion. After hearing what he had to say I would tend to agree with what he said. His comment was, why should the republican party have the right to push him out of office when they were not the ones that elected him to that office to begin with? He further stated that he has only 1 1/2 years left on his term so why not just let the people that elected him decide if they will reelect him to office or not. In doing this he would know for sure if his state wants him there or not. I guess that sounds reasonable and fair to me. I would have to agree that sometimes our government tries to dictate to much. What happened to working for the people who elected them. Sometimes I feel they just look at what will further themselves more and to heck with the people that put them in that position to begin with. I feel they are more concerned with who will dominate next term. Even tho Craig pleaded guilty because of the pressure he received at the time, he is now fighting it, so I think people need to wait to pass judgement until there has been a final ruling.
International Calling Cards
There is always some type of frustrations when it comes to calling cards such as hidden fees, problems with service, or it expires before you have had a chance to use up all your minutes. With Pingo international calling cards you will experince a differnet type of service, one with no hidden fees and no hassels with sevice. Not only do you receive great service but you will also experience amazing low rates. One example of Pingo's cell phone card is that it will save you 90% on your international cell phone calls. Another nice incentive with Pingo is that there is no equipment to purchase and easy management of your account with bundled savings. Once you have realized what a great company Pingo is, I am sure you will want to refer your family and friends. For each person you refer to Pingo you will recieve $15.00. So not only will you have great rates for all your international phone calls, but they will also give you cash in your pocket just for referring others to a great phone company. Pingo's reliable network has been delivering over 1.1 billion international phone card minutes per month. That in its self proves to show a great track record for this phone card company. With all the great things Pingo has to offer they will also give your $8.00 in free calls just for signing up. So what are you waiting for? Check them out today.

Saturday, September 8, 2007
Making The Team
Today after football practice my 12 year old son called his dad. He was so happy he could not wait until he got home to tell us his news, he needed to tell us immediately. He learned at practice today that he made the football team he was wanting to be on. Cole is not one of the bigger kids on his team so I think it worried him that he might not have been big enough or good enough to play. His father's and my advice must have paid off because his hard work proved that he can do anything he puts his mind to. Hopefully he will keep working hard to impress his coaching staff and I hope his enthusiasm carries over to basketball when football season is over.
Learning To Love Math
My daughter, who is in the second grade, struggles with math. She still likes to use her fingers when it comes to addition and subtraction. This year she has been seeing a Math Tutors who is trying to help her learn what is called touch points. I like the idea that they try to to her in steps that are easy for her to remember. The extra help she receives is helping her to become more indepenent and less frustrated when it comes to her math problems, which only means her confidence level grows which makes her want to learn even more.
Madeleine McCann
I couldn't even imagine what it would be like to have my child taken from me, to never know where she is, to not know if she were alive or dead. To be in a different country and have this happen is even worse. I feel for her parents in their disparate search for her. I heard on the news today that both Madeleine's parents have been named as suspects. How awful for them. The reports I heard today stated they were doing this to be able to ask them more in depth questions than was previously allowed by the laws. I would hope with the extensive search effort they put forth that they are not involved in her disappearance and this is just a per caution.
Having three children it takes time, energy, and lots of patience when it comes to spreading your time evenly. This especially true when it comes to them all bring homework home on the same night. Usually this is not a problem except for those times when they are struggling in a particular subject and even with all your effort the frustration level builds for your child. Score Educational Centers offer Innovative Tutor who are willing to help children with the subjects that may not be as easy to understand for them as maybe it is for other children their age. What better way to let your child know how much you love and care for them, then getting them the help they need that can only be a positive thing for them now and in their future.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Activity Ticket
Students at our school are allowed to purchase activity tickets. Activity tickets are a pass the students can use to get into games, musicals, almost anything school related without having to pay. My 12 year old son took this with him to a football game the other night. Today I asked him where it was at. He has no idea what he did with it. So much for trying to teach him a little responsibility. I just hope the school has a duplicate or will give him something that will let him into the games or what a waste.
Buying A New Home
Everyone wants to achieve the american dream of owning their own home. A great way to make sure you have someone working for you, to get the best for you,is to find the right Mortgage Brokers who is willing to find exactly what your looking for. Finding the right broker is a great way to make sure they are will to find the best mortgage rates for what will work best in your budget to make sure you can afford your dream home. For those of us who already have purchased our own home there are options for home equity loans. By taking out a home equity loan we can do those little extra things we have always wanted to do to our homes give them our own personal touch to make it even more perfect.
Big Brother Again
Oh my goodness. What a total disappointment. I soooooo wish that Dick and Daniele would get evicted from Big Brother 8. I will not like it if one of them wins the money. I guess that means I hope Zach or Jameka somehow get the upper hand and will finally have enough guts to put the evil twins in there right place, which is out the door to talk to Julie. I guess we will just have to wait and see what happens.
Excel In Reading
When my son was in elementary school, he is now a 7th grader, he was told he needed extra help in reading. At the time he was disappointed and frustrated that he was not able to read as well as his peers. Now that he is that 7th grader he is happy he received the extra help. School started 3 weeks ago and at that time he was told that for Language Arts he needs to read 2 hours a week. He has already finished three books that he was proud to say were each 140 pages long. Thanks to his Reading Tutors he is no longer frustrated and can keep up with the other kids his age.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Cleaning House
I have been trying to clean my house really well and to plain just get more organized around here before baby joins our family. It always seems like a major job to have everything ready. When you already have a family of five it takes a lot of work to keep the house picked up and clean when we are always on the go. I imagine it will be even harder once baby arrives. I would rather spend lots of time with my children then spend lots of time cleaning the house. Time spent with my kids will be remembered more by them then how clean our home was. I guess I will finally have my clean house when I hire a maid or when the kids move out go to college or when they get married and start their own families.
Electronic Disclosures
The newest way of saving lenders, investors, settlement agencies, and borrowers thousands of dollars is by companies starting to use what is called electronic disclosures. I think this is a great idea, not only in the amount of money it saves everyone involved but also in the amount of paperwork work it saves. Many mortage companies such as Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and others have started to use this process. This allows for a totally automated process when it comes to closing a mortgage, which means everything is done on the computer in a shorter amount of time then a tradition closing of a mortgage. That makes total since to me. This will eliminate the duplication of paperwork thus saving time and money.
Okoboji Weekend
This weekend is the weekend my whole family will go to Okoboji for our end of the summer get together. My parents purchased a timeshare there about 14 years ago. Ever since then my parents, sisters family, brothers family, and my family have spent quality time together for fun in the sun. As the years have gone by our families have grown, so this year my parents decided to rent another room for the weekend for our growing families to be able to expand and spread out some. During my years growing up we were always close with the Nelson family. So about three years ago they purchased a room just across the hall from my parents so their four children could come with their families also. What great fun we have sitting around reminiscing and catching up on things since the last time we saw each other. It will be so fun seeing everyone again. Can't wait to sit in the pool and watch all the kids and adults having so much fun.
Obesity Surgery
When it comes to being over weight I know exactly what it feels like. I have tried everything it seems like to lose weight but have had little success. While visiting JourneyLite's website, I found it very interesting and informative. I like how they offer a free seminar to those who may be interested in taking the next step in helping themselves get to the weight they have always wanted to be at. By going to their website and clicking on the free seminar icon you will be able to find the nearest city to you that will help explain LAP-BAND, an obesity surgery, what it can do for you, and whether or not it is the right thing for you. Another thing I like about JourneyLite is all the information they offer from support groups, recipes, tips for success, nutrition education, and much much more.
Hamburger Gravy
My 12 year olds favorite meal is hamburger gravy. It has taken my some time to finally figure out how to make it the way we all like it but I think I have finally figured it out. This summer while he was on break from school he tried to make it a couple times to surprise me for lunch. Lets just say I was happy to see him take the time to try and make it, but he will need to practice more just like his mom needed to. For supper the other night he had two very large helpings. I thought he was going to be sick because of how much he ate and he thought he was going to be sick because of how much he ate. After about three hours he asked me when I would be making it again because he was hungry again. I guess that goes to show he is a growing boy who likes his mom's cooking especially when it is his favorite meal.
Databang Media Network
Social networking, as explained by David Bayer, consists of 3 components. These componets are communication, context, and technology and tools. There are different types of communication in social networking which keeps evolving as time goes on. Email and websites like my space and facebook are some of the most common ways to communicate and catch up with long lost friends on the internet. What draws us to this is the context which appears on the homepages. When using internet technologies, such as google or some other type of search engine, we need to find what interests us to get us to the information we are in search of. Databang Media Network is one place to visit to help understand the importance of social networking by checking out their technology blog. I thought they had very good information to share, which was very informative and interesting.
Monday, September 3, 2007
James Patterson
I just finished the book The Quickie written by James Patterson and Michael Ledwidge. I thought this was a very good book. It was hard for me to put it down. I never once guessed what was going to happen next while reading this book. It was a very easy reading book that keep my attention at all times. Those are the types of books I like to read. There is nothing worse then picking up a book, get a third of the way thru it and realize that it's not what you thought and you really don't want to finish it. I have to say, with James Patterson books I have never been disappointed in what I have read.
The Next Internet Millionaire
Reality TV shows are the biggest fad right now when it comes to shows that almost anyone and everyone are watching and talking about. When it comes to water cooler talk the biggest conversations has to be Survivor and Big Brother. However, I think the next big reality TV show will be The The Next Internet Millionaire. On this program 12 people will compete for $25,000. Not only will the winner have the opportunity to win money but will also win the opportunity to meet Joel Comm, one of the world's largest internet entrepreneurs. Not only will this be an exciting program for those fans of reality TV shows but it will be of great interest for anyone who is wanting to learn how to make money on the internet. I will definitely be taking the time to watch this show. 
Changing Rooms
Yesterday my daughters decided to trade bedrooms. My 7 year old daughter Becca decided when the new baby arrives in January, she would like to be the one to share her bedroom with the baby. In order to achieve this we needed the girls to trade rooms because Becca's old room was to small for the crib and her bed to fit in. Today we finally finished the huge task of rearranging. We decided to take a trip to the local Home Depot store. While we were there, Becca asked if we could get paint for her room. What better way to make her new room her own then letting her pick out the new paint. She picked out pink and green. Two walls of each color. I am not quite sure what this will look like, but she was right in that those colors are in her comforter and she believes it will look awesome once it is complete. I am starting to get anxious to see what this room will be like when it's done. Seeing her excited is a great part of the fun in letting her decide on her own. I just love it when kids start showing their independence at an early age when it comes to their wants and desires. It's all a learning process to see who they will become and one of the best joys of being a parent. I am starting to get anxious to see what this room will be like when it's done.
Digital Cameras
Is there anything better in life then when you capture that unsuspecting moment of your children on film. Being able to see that moment right on the screen of your camera the instant you snap the picture, and to see if what you were trying to capture was what you actually got. What I like about having a Kodak digital camera is being able to see instantly what your pictures look like instead of waiting to use up your film and trying to remember to get it to the store to be developed. With digital cameras you are able to print right from your computer on your own printer at home or you can pick out your favorite pictures and send them to your favorite online store to have them developed for pennies. I really would like to purchase a digital camcorder also as we are expecting a baby in January. I would really like one that had an option for still pictures also. Being able to capture all those first milestones that your baby will be doing on a camcorder or camera and being able to relive them time after time is what taking pictures is all about.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Happy Second Birthday
On August 31 my nephew Hudson turned two. I am so excited to see him next weekend. Hudson is such a cute little boy who is definitely growing into a little man. My birthday was the other day, bright and early in the morning he called to wish me happy birday and I wuv you. His vocabulary is coming right along. He is such a bright little boy who is very loved and very spoiled. Who would want it any other way. How much fun he is to have around for everyone.
Holiday Shopping
It's that time of year again and before we know it, it will be the first of the year, 2008, hard to believe how fast time flies. With Christmas right around the corner it is time to get a head start on shopping. The best place to find the best deals is to visit coupon codes. Here you are able to find great discounts on the things your family loves the most. My husband and son are avid hunters so I know which store I will be visiting for them. Cabelas is an all time favorite for my guys. What better place to shop to get them the newest necessities for the hunting season at reduced prices. I also think a gift certificate for my mom, my sister, and my sister-in-law from My Wines Direct would be the perfect idea for them. What a great way to sit down and unwind at the end of the day then to enjoy a wonderful glass of wine.
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