Thursday, August 28, 2008
Fresh Paint
It's a good feeling to have fresh paint on the walls, it make everything look so clean and fresh. I always think while I'm painting that we really never know how dirty our walls are until we get up close and personal with them. After painting them I can definitely sat it was really time to get this job done. I also decide to paint the outside door the same color as my living room walls. I think I like it, I just haven't decided for sure yet. The next time I paint I may have to choose a different color as I have had this shade of brown for a few years now. Oh well, I like the color and it goes well with my furniture.
Shoe Shopping
We hit the jackpot though as John got two new pairs of shoes, a pair of tennis shoes and a nice pair of casual shoes. I also found a pair of brown high heel boots that were on sale, so of course I just had to get them. (Happy birthday to me.) Good thing the store we went to was having buy one get one 1/2 off. Okay so we would have spent less money had there not been a sale, we would have just gotten Alli shoes. I guess that's what sales are for, getting people to spend money they weren't expecting to spend just to make us think we were getting a good deal.
Personal Injury Attorney
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Vacation Day

My sister is home visiting for the next few days with her boys Hudson and Logan, so I decided to take a couple days off from work to visit with them. I also decided I would use one of my days to get some things done around the house. I need to go through Dru's dresser drawers to figure out what doesn't fit her anymore. I also am going to try and paint my living room walls. It will be nice to spend time with Trisha, Hudson, and Logan. It will also be a very good feeling to get some things done around home too.
the fat loss guru
I have tried Weight Watchers a couple of times. At first the weight seems to come off fast and I get excited because I think this diet will finally work out for me, but then it always seems like I come to a stand still and I then get very frustrated which causes me to lose my focus. I have seen Jenny Craig advertised on TV, however I really don’t want to spend a whole lot of money on monthly enrollment fee’s nor do I want to pay for their food that you must eat to be a success in their program. I don’t want to be tied down to only certain kinds of foods. Especially ones that come straight out of a box, I really don’t understate how eating out of a box can be that healthy.
Recently I found the fat loss guru. This seems like a diet which could really help me out. He focuses on eating foods more often through out the day. He lays out his dieting plan in a simple ultimate diet handbook, which explains his fat burning theory. Being able to follow his simple steps and being able to eat more through out the day might be just what I need to jump start my weight loss and lead me down the path to a healthier lifestyle.
Black Friday
One way that always helps me save money is by shopping on Black Friday. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving when almost every store goes hog wild with crazy shopping specials. Whether you have a large family or not this is a great way to help out the pocket book, as this is a very expensive time of year for everyone.
To shop on black Friday it used to require buying the local newspaper on Thanksgiving Day morning, reading through all the special ads after putting the turkey in the oven. My husband and I would go through every ad to see who had the best deal and who had exactly what each child wanted. Then it was to decide if it was worth the savings to get up in the middle of the night to venture out and stand in line hoping to get that perfect gift. Since then, I have found a website that will now send black friday ads to my email ahead of time, which is a great way to help me plan in advance. I simply request the ads I would like to view, they send them to me ahead of time, I review them, and decided where I will start my shopping day. Receiving the ads ahead of time is a great way to help ease the stress of the Christmas Season.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Back To School
Auto Body
Detoxing Alli
Amos Tamam
Thursday, August 14, 2008
New Cabinets
Video Editing
Monday, August 11, 2008
Change of Plans
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Sisterly Love

Ever since Dru has become a part of our family Becca has been the proudest big sister I have ever seen. She just loves to take care of her by changing her diaper, feeding her, and dressing her up in all of her cute clothes. Becca loves to take pictures and I think she took a least one of these pictures herself. I often wonder if she will like her as much once she has started crawling, walking, and getting into all of her things. The smiles on Becca's face just shows how much she loves Dru, I hope this feeling is just as strong 10 years from now when Dru wants to follow her around where ever Becca goes. I can feel the tension already.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Great Weather
Regency Beauty Institute
Regency Beauty Institute is one of the fastest growing beauty schools in the country. Since 2002 Regency has expanded from just 2 schools in
Summer Vacation

Earlier this summer Becca was able to take a small vacation with my sister and her family. They headed north. Boating and swimming at the sandbar were some of the fun activities she did while they were gone. A trip to the zoo was also on the agenda.

Cutting Teeth
Karisma Hotels
Dru Elisabeth

Helping Grandma
Stocks and Investments
New School Year
Computer Games
Djembe Drums
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Making Supper
Electric Bill
Brett Farve
80th Birthday
Home Health Care
Special Education
Wedding Favors
Football Camp
Gracie Jayne

Las Vegas Vacations
Monday, August 4, 2008
As Snug As A Bug

The saying as snug as a bug in a rug doesn't hold more true than when I look at these pictures of Becca.

Pay It Forward
Medical Supplies
Diabetes is a medical condition that runs in my family. My grandpa and mom have had this disease for many years now. With my last two pregnancies I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes, which means the chance of having type II diabetes is probably inevitable for me. Having the knowledge I do about diabetes I am relieved there are place to purchase diabetic supplies such as test stripes and syringes online from the convenience of home. Allegro Medical has had over one million customers and is one of the largest independently owed online retailers in the
Hudson and Logan

Hudson and Logan are spending the next couple of days with Grandma Kat. It's the time of year when my sister Trisha and her husband Mike take their annual vacation up north for some relaxation and leave the boys with grandma. Becca goes over to help grandma with Hudson and Logan as they can sometimes be a handful. Grandma Kat's quote of the day is "don't babies sleep anymore?" Logan is about 2 1/2 months old and is only taking short little cat naps during the day. Grandma just shakes her head and tells me "when you kids were young you ate, played, and slept for LONG periods of time. Don't babies do that anymore?" she asks me. I just smiled knowing how time clouds our memories. I know she is enjoying her time with them and is looking forward to next years visit.