Friday, August 8, 2008


My 11 year old daughter Alli was diagnosed with Autism when she was three years old. Since then, my husband and I have done what we can to try and help her. We have given her all types of vitamins, ABA Therapy, GFCF Diet, Chelation, and many other things. We know she has been vaccine injured. We have put Alli through many tests and we know that she is off the chart when it comes to heavy metal toxicity. These include mercury, lead, and the list goes on. Yesterday we tried another type of detox treatment for Alli. It is called an IonCleanse. By simply putting your feet in distilled water, sea salt, and using positive and negative electrical charges you are able to remove toxins from your body. Alli is non-verbal so communicating with her is difficult. We asked her multiple yes/no questions to see if she liked the foot bath and she answered every question with a yes, she liked it and wants to do some more. We will try again tomorrow and we hope to see some changes in her no matter how big or small. We will continue to do what we can to help our daughter and detoxing her is one small piece of the whole puzzle.

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