Monday, August 4, 2008

Hudson and Logan

Hudson and Logan are spending the next couple of days with Grandma Kat. It's the time of year when my sister Trisha and her husband Mike take their annual vacation up north for some relaxation and leave the boys with grandma. Becca goes over to help grandma with Hudson and Logan as they can sometimes be a handful. Grandma Kat's quote of the day is "don't babies sleep anymore?" Logan is about 2 1/2 months old and is only taking short little cat naps during the day. Grandma just shakes her head and tells me "when you kids were young you ate, played, and slept for LONG periods of time. Don't babies do that anymore?" she asks me. I just smiled knowing how time clouds our memories. I know she is enjoying her time with them and is looking forward to next years visit.

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